Andrew Garcia and Katie Stevens get the boot while it should have been Aaron Kelly and Siobhan Magnus. America gets it wrong again !
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Two Go Home
Andrew Garcia and Katie Stevens get the boot while it should have been Aaron Kelly and Siobhan Magnus. America gets it wrong again !
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Top 9 Perform Again

Last week we had Beatles night which was the 2nd time (or 3rd time since they did it twice in David Cook's season). Now last night they rehash another oldie in Elvis night. I know they did it in Season 4 for the Top 4 which each contestant doing 2 Elvis songs. Ya know what. I can't stand Elvis Presley. I don't like his music. I don't like all these people that love Elvis. I don't like Graceland. I can't stand his miserable daughter Lisa Marie. I can't stand what his wife looks like now (Priscilla). I don't like anything about Elvis. Well, there is one song I like in Suspicious Minds but that's about it. So, let's see how last night's Elvis night went and I bet you didn't know that the return of Glee was following the Idol broadcast.
Adam Lambert, the Rum Tug Tugger, was the mentor for Elvis week. First of all, I don't need to see Adam Lambert's mom sitting next to him wearing a mini skirt. Come on mommy Lambert...but on something a bit less revealing. I don't need to see your legs. Second, what is Adam going to bring to the table as a mentor? He is a young artist who is not that experienced and didn't even win American Idol so how is he going to mentor these kids and tell them what they should do to make their performance better? Anyway, here's how the night went.
Crystal Bowersox is up first doing "Saved" which is a song I've never heard. It's probably a good thing that I never heard the song as it was horrible. But, in a way, it's good that the song was unrecognizable since I didn't even know she was singing an Elvis song. It could have been a Bowersox song for all I knew. She did a great job with it and made it her own (I think.) But, she was in her usual groove, being who she is, and not trying to be someone she isn't. So, a good way to start off the disappointing season and terrible theme with a solid performance. By the way, did you know that Glee was on after 8 more singers? Bet you didn't realize that with Ryan, Randy, talking about it as well as constantly showing the entire cast.
Next up was Andrew Garcia who is in need of a good week after being at the bottom the last few weeks. Andrew goes with one of Elvis' most recognizable songs in "Hound Dog." What a mistake that was as the judges said going with a song so popular. This is one of the Elvis songs that should not be touched as you are not going to improve on this song. Plus, Andrew's performance was quite painful and boring. He showed no emotion or star power with his performance. The ghost of Elvis must have barfed after listening to this. Andrew keeps on disappointing and has never really recaptured that glory from his auditions. He's a lock for Bottom 3 this week or with them getting rid of 2 people, maybe there will be a bottom 4 tonight. But, guess what? Glee is on in a little over an hour !
Tim Urban, the energizer bunny, who just keeps on going and going and going was up next with his version of "Can't Help Falling In Love." This guy is just not a good singer but girls love him. People who hate him and hate American Idol vote for him to make the show look bad. He's a phenomenon just advancing each week and the sad part is that for Tim, he was better than normal but still bad even though the judges thought he was good even though he really wasn't which was their ploy to get the callers to vote off people even worse than him this week. That being said, he was better than he's been but you couldn't pay me to buy a Tim Urban album. He does have a future though. I can see it now. Tim Urban starring in "Boogie Nights 2: Electric Boogoloo."
Now we head over to Lee Dewyze who went with "A Little Less Conversation" which is an Elvis song I loathe but Lee totally changed it up, modernized it, and actually make it a listenable song. The guy is in a groove and is getting better each week. He's doing what David Cook did changing up the song each week, taking the judges comments to heart, and growing as he advances each week. What can ya say. This was Lee's night !
Unfortunately for Aaron Kelly, he had to follow Lee. Aaron sang "Blue Suede Shoes" and it was just horrendous. Simon was right on saying it was a "high school performance." The entire song was awkward. His voice was not right for the song choice and all of his singing and performing flaws came out. This could mark the end of this year's chicken little.
Just when I thought that things couldn't get worse, it did. See Bo Han, which is what I call her was next even though it's really pronounced Sha Vohn. I really hate that name. They announced that she would be doing "Suspicious Minds." OH F**K ! That's the one song from Elvis I like being sung by the contestant this season I can't stand. That sucks. And what she did to the song was beyond comprehension. It was painful. Daughtry had done this song so well in his season. People liked Siobhan when the competition started. I was never on this girl's bandwagon. And finally, it's showing that this girl really has a terrible voice and is one dimensional. All she can do good is yell but she really is a terrible singer. What it comes down to is this: Her voice ain't good. Ya want to hear a good voice? Listen to Lea Michelle on Glee. That's a good voice. Siobhan doesn't come close to that. Bye bye Siobo. Bye bye Siobo. Bye bye Siobo. We hate to see you go. By the way...Glee is coming up soon !
Big Mike, saved last week, had a lot to prove this week. He went with "In The Ghetto" which I've never heard. It wasn't my favorite song as it was a bit boring but he did show that the judges did make the correct decision in saving Mike. He did a solid job and proved that the boy got soul. Mike is in the clear this week.
Katie Stevens hit the stage next with "Baby, What You Want Me To Do". Ya know what I want you to do? Answer: Sing better. Based on some of the other bad singers for the night, the song stood out better than it really was. She's just not polished enough yet as a singer. She's a cute girl but she has zero stage presence and is sometimes pitchy. She really would have benefited if she waited two years before going on Idol but what's done is done. I think she'll be safe for the night but he time is ticking on the show. Guess what? Just one more singer before Glee. Look...they are showing the cast in the audience again !
Casey James gets to end the show with "Lawdy, Miss Clawdy." What the hells song is that? It didn't really matter. He took an obscure Elvis song and made it his own and has now gotten into a hot streak of his own the past few weeks earning the final song of the night. I would have liked a song a bit more memorable but I thought he did a great job with the bad song he chose.
But, I'm glad Elvis night is over. Let's hope we don't hear this theme again for a long time. Two people are going home and I'm going to say that if we have a bottom 4 it will be Aaron, Andrew, Katie, and Siobhan. Going home then is Aaron and Siobhan.
So, a one for the money. A two for the show. Three to get ready. And four to GLEE !
Until tonight...Birdman Out.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
The Save Gets Used

The bottom three were Big Mike, Aaron Kelly, and Andrew Garcia. You would think that it was going to be Aaron Kelly. However, Ryan hinted that the results were shocking. Big Mike had the lowest vote total and had to sing for his life. And he sure did singing one of the best performances of his entire idol run. So, the judges use the save and Big Mike survives.
And unfortunately, so does Tim Urban.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Top 9 Perform

Well, the Top 9 were ready to perform songs from Lennon and McCartney. Come on. It was just two years ago when we had Beatles night. Actually, we had TWO weeks of Beatles nights in Season 7. So, just two years later they bring back basically the same theme? Can't we think of something new?
First up is Aaron whom the other contestants call "Yoda." Yoda would be turning over in his swamp after hearing Aaron destroy "The Long and Winding Road." Aaron's version should have been called "The Long and Boring Song." It was sung so slow and so off key. I know he tried to change it up a bit but wow. It was almost as if we were playing a record at the wrong speed. Aaron is a young kid so maybe it's best that he leaves the competition now so he can get in the last two months of school and at least take the S.A.T.s before year end.
Next up was Katie who we find out loves to dance like Beyonce. It's just too bad she can't sing like Beyonce. Katie chooses "Let It Be" which she also does a bit too slow for my liking. It seemed like the judges liked her performance but I wasn't blown away by it. But hey...what the hell do I know. I wish she went with something a bit more upbeat to go with her age but it was definitely a better performance than she had last week. I don't see this girl having a huge career. However, I can see her singing as on one of the Disney "tween" shows.
We then get to hear Andrew which most of the other idols say is so funny. I guess he doesn't show that humor on stage. Andrew goes with "Can't Buy Me Love" and goes with his own version. I like this guy's voice as I have since the beginning. I do agree that it was a bit "corny" as once of the judges mentioned. I thought in the beginning this guy could be a true artist putting his own spin on songs and making them his own but he is just not connecting with the song. I want him to do better as I know he can but it's just not working the way I envisioned. I hope he stays around as I look forward to his performances only to be a bit disappointed.
We then see Big Mike whom the girls say is like a "big teddy bear" the same thing that contestants said about Ruben Studdard. Mike chooses "Eleanor Rigby" which I was upset about since David Cook did an amazing version of this two years ago. How would Mike fare? He did a good job putting an R&B vibe on this Beatles classic. Randy keeps on referring to "Glee" in his comments. I love "Glee" but please stop plugging this show as part of your critique. I would have loved Mike to go with a different song but he did a solid job with the song he had chosen. It wasn't my favorite performance but enough to keep him safe this week.
Front-runner Crystal was next and we see that there is a sign in her town with her name on it. I guess the 108 people in that town will all know who she now. Crystal goes with "Come Together" and does a perfect job with it. I had never heard of a didgeridoo before the performance but I know what one is now. I wasn't distracted by the didgeridoo. I just like saying the word "didgeridoo." Can you say it too? Didgeridoo, didgeridoo, didgeridoo... She is very comfortable on stage and she really knows what she wants to do and how she wants to do it. Her hair looked a bit greasier and dirtier and than normal but I'm used to the trashy look by now. That being said, she's safe.
Poor Tim has to follow Crystal. That's so set up by the producers to try and get rid of this guy already. They tell us that Tim just loves to smile. After all of these weeks, we know he likes to smile. I'm just glad he has nicer teeth than Crystal or the smiling would really annoy me. Tim sings "All My Loving" and I didn't love it but it was better than normal for this guy. His voice just annoys me. I keep on thinking about his "Under My Thumb" performance everytime he sings and it really rubs me the wrong way. That being said, I still don't think Tim Malakar is going home. He's Sanjaya and John Stevens combined. The bad singer and energizer bunny that keeps on ticking.
Now we get to see girl favorite Casey whom the other singers tease about looking like a soap star. Casey has been solid all season but I've been waiting for the WOW from him. Bret Michaels has his "Every Rose Has Its Thorn" and now I think Casey James has his "Jealous Guy." I felt this was his breakout song. It was the best performance of the night and I think the best performance of any Idol contestant this season. This was great. He totally modernized this song and made it his own. He now needs to take this performance and build on it. But, great job !
Following Casey was weird chick Siobhan whom the contestants describe as "interesting" and "weird." But, that's not a surprise. I have problems looking at her. I have problems with her image. I can't stand her voice and how she dresses. I'm not a Siobhan fan. That was solidified with her painfully horrific performance of "Across The Universe" which I loathed. It got even more annoying when Simon asked her why she picked the song and she made some emotional speech about nothing changing her world." I was ready to puke after Siobhan explained it to us. She claims that nothing is going to change her world. WRONG. If she gets the boot at the #9 slot, her world will change as opposed to going further in the competition. I'd love for this girl to go home. She's starting to annoy me the same way that Allison Irritating did last season.
Finally Lee gets a chance to end the show coming off an amazing performance last week. We learn that Lee is a big worrier. However, after his version of "Hey Jude", I don't think he has to worry anymore. Not sure about the bagpiper and I'm so glad I'm not Scottish as I could never pull off the kilt. But as for the performance and singing, it was top notch. I have no complaints about Lee and he's on a hot streak right now and I hope he continues doing things the right way.
So, who goes home? I'd have to say that the bottom three should be Aaron, Andrew, and Tim. I hope I'm wrong on one of these with Siobhan being in the bottom. But, I'm gonna say that Aaron's ride ends tonight.
Until then...Birdman Out.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Top 10 Perform

I'm so glad I was on vacation last week where I didn't write anything about one of the worst weeks in Idol History. There were at least four candidates who were beyond horrible but thankfully, Paige's time was up. Not sure what she was even doing in the Top 12 anyway.
Well, now it's a new week for the Top 10 to redeem themselves with R&B/Soul night with Usher as the mentor. How will they do? Let's find out.
Siobhan was first to kick off the show. I still don't get this girl. I've not been a fan of hers since the Top 24 was announced. I just don't think she's a good singer even though she can do that scream at the end of songs ala Adam Lambert. The difference is that Lambert was a good singer throughout the song and could pull off the yell. Siobhan is not a good singer, has a decent yell, but it all doesn't come together. The perfect example was in last night's "Through The Fire" by Chaka Kahn which she destroyed. I didn't even like her yell last night either. I don't think she'd even yell well if she was getting stabbed by an ice pick. The game's up Siobhan. American now sees exactly what you are - a singer in the Village that attracts maybe a hundred or so people in a drunken bar. That's your future. I hope she can deal with that fate.
Next up was Casey going with Sam and Dave's "Hold On, I'm Coming." I liked Casey's performance. If finally showed that he's much better than Bucky Covington. I wish Casey had a better stage presence. He just stands there most of the time with his guitar and sings and smiles. I know girls love him so I guess the smile works in his favor. I think at one point of the song he even muffed the lyrics but covered it up pretty well. I think Casey has gotta get back to his roots. He needs to do an all out rock song and rip off his shirt like he did in the auditions. I could care less about seeing his chest but I think that could create some buzz and continue to garner the teenage girl vote. But, it was a solid job for Casey.
Big Mike was next to show off his chops going with India.Arie’s “Ready for Love. First of all, I'm not an India Arie fan. I had no clue what this song was. It was a boring song. I'm not even sure if Mike sang the song like India or made his own version. He sang the song great but it actually bored me a bit. I would have liked something with more emotion and a bit more upbeat since this was R&B night. He could have chosen a song by Johnny Gill or Joe which he could have put his own spin on. However, despite the snooze fest of a song, he did a good job with a poor song choice.
We then get to hear the sing-talker in Didi going with the Temptations "What Becomes Of The Brokenhearted." Yes, I know the song has meaning for Didi. However, if you want to show emotion, you still have to sing the song well. This was the kind of performance you see in movies when a bad singer sings and glass shatters. It really was hurting my eardrum. Then, to top it off, she was boring on stage. She had no connection with the audience or the microphone. She claims she wanted to "sing something that moved her." Well, that performance may have "moved" her from the Top 10 back to her hometown. It really was horrific.
Tim, or "Telfon Tim" as they now call him took the stage next to sing Anita Baker's "Sweet Love" which was just as bad as his "Under My Thumb" from two weeks ago. Tim is totally this year's Sanjaya - the bad singer with awful hair that keeps on defying the odds and advancing further than his voice should have taken him. Girls will vote for him. People who think he sucks will vote for him. His parents and friends will vote for him. Dirk Diggler's porn friends will vote for him. The deaf will vote for him. So, Simon said it best that it just doesn't matter how good or bad time sings. That being said, let's move on to the next contestant.
We then get to see Andrew who we are still waiting to top his Paula song and he may have done it with girlfriend beater, Cris Brown's "Forever." It actually felt like Andrew was singing forever as I was not a fan of the song but I thought he did it well. I liked Andrew from the beginning and didn't hate his songs as much as the judges the first few weeks but then again, I was a huge fan of Scott MacIntyre which I'm still getting killed about. But, Andrew had it going last night. He has a unique voice and his fate will be made by song choice. If he continues to make smart song decisions, he can advance at least half way to the Top 6 slot. I'm not sure what Andrew's mom said in Spanish but for Andrew's sake, hopefully it was positive.
Katie was up next going with Aretha Franklin's "Chain Of Fools." This is such a keroeke song but it was definitely better than she's done the last few weeks. However, I do believe that Suri, ooops, I mean Katie is out of her league. She needed a few more years to polish her craft and become a more rounded singer. However, she's cute and not the worst so I think she has a few more weeks left in her.
Then comes Lee going with a song by the Cornelius Brothers called "Treat Her Like A Lady." Who the hell are the Cornelius Brothers? This reminded me of when Bo Bice sang a song called "Vehicle" that I had never heard before and he nailed it. Lee had that same fate. He did a great job with a song that no one had ever heard before and could have a hit with it. It was one of the better rock performances I've seen and Simon was right in saying that Lee's life could have changed with last night's performance. It was really that good. He showed that he can be a rocker and wow us. He did just that with one of the best performances of the season.
So, front-runner Crystal was next trying to shock us by not using the guitar and going the piano route with Gladys Knight's "Midnight Train To Georgia." At the piano, it was a bit awkward as she seemed to concentrate too much on pressing the right keys but once she got up from the piano to sing, Crystal was in her groove. It was definitely not my favorite Crystal performance but she showed that she's one of the best singers this season. That being said, I do hope she goes back to the guitar next week.
Finally, it's Aaron ending the show with Bill Withers' "Ain't No Sunshine." I remember how well Christina Christian sang this song in Season 1. Aaron didn't do nearly as good with his version. I though his performance was "Eh." It wasn't great. It didn't suck. It was just there. It was one of those performances you'll never remember after this week. That being said, I think there was a lot worse so he should be safe another week.
So, how goes home? The bottom three has got to be Didi and Tim. But, who will the third person be? I'm going to say it's Siobhan. However, I think Didi's time is finally up.
Until tomorrow, Birdman Out.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
And Then There Were 11
The first season of Idol we only had a Top 10 and the first person booted was EJ Day. From there, Idol went to a Top 12 format. In the past 7 seasons, 5 of the 7 contestants eliminated first had been a girl. Joining Vanessa Oliveraz, Leah LaBelle, Lindsey Cardinale, Melissa McGhee, and Jasmine Murray is Lacey Brown who got the boot last night. (Note: The two guys in seasons 6 and 7 were Brandon Rogers and David Hernandez respectively.)
What do you remember about these people? I can't tell you much except that David Hernandez was a male stripper. So, it's no shock that Lacey Brown goes home. There's not much to remember about here nor did anyone lose sleep about her departure.
It's still shocking that the cat with nine lives, Tim Urban, aka Dirk Diggler, survives again. Tim Urban is this year's John Stevens. He's the guy with the terrible voice that continues to defy the odds to remain in the competition.
If I was a betting man, Tim survives again next week to make it into the Top 10 and be part of the summer tour. Oye. Anyone paying for this summer's tour must not have anything better to do this summer.
So, we say good-bye to Lacey Brown. It was nice knowing you. I'm sure we won't see you anytime soon.
Hope to catch ya next week. Until then...Birdman Out.
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