It's impossible to comment on everything for Idol's Top 36 Reveal snoozefest. What's there to say about watching people walk down a sidewalk outside, then down a long corridor and then towards the judges to hear your fate. So, I'll basically just make some comments, thoughts, opinions, etc...
There were 54 contestants remaining and they were to cut 18 whom most were pretty obvious as of the 18, we knew very few of them. But, there were a few shockers.
Shocker #1 - How does Danny Gokey's best friend, Jamar Rogers NOT make the Top 36 when they chose a clown like Normal Gentle? Come on...Jamar can sing circles around Jamar. Here's my call....they'll be bringing Jamar back for the Wild Card Round as I heard they can take any of the Top 36, anyone from auditions, and rumors of anyone from prior seasons auditions. So, I'm thinking we haven't seen the last of Jamar. It's just a hunch.
Shocker #2 - The Joanna Pacitti scandal. This show was taped within the past two weeks so they give Pacitti the OK to make it into the Top 36. Then, this morning, they had disqualified her for being too experienced and being connected to two individuals that work at 19 Entertainment. Don't you think they would investigate this better before putting her in the Top 36? Her replacement is Felicia Barton, 26, Virgina Beach, VA.
Shocker #3 - Tatiana Del Toro makes it. This girl is a f**king clown and a total embarrassment. I think I hate her more than Mikelah Gordon and Danielle Noriega combined from prior season. I had such a feeling they were going to do this but I'm not that upset. Now she can sing live on Tuesday and then become hysterical when she's booting on live TV the following night. Based on the group she is performing in, three is no way she can advance. I'll go into more depth on this below.
More analysis below after this list of the TOP 36:
• Arianna Afsar, 16, San Diego, Calif.
• Kris Allen, 23, Conway, Ark.
• Kendall Beard, 23, Austin, Texas
• Anne Marie Boskovich, 22, Nashville, Tenn.
• Ricky Braddy, 25, Nashville, Tenn.
• Matt Breitzke, 27, Bixby, Okla.
• Casey Carlson, 20, Minneapolis
• Megan Corkrey, 22, Sandy, Utah
• Tatiana Del Toro, 23, Los Angeles
• Anoop Desai, 21, Chapel Hill, N.C.
• Stephen Fowler, 26, Beachwood, Ohio
• Matt Giraud, 23, Kalamazoo, Mich.
• Danny Gokey, 28, Milwaukee
• Alexis Grace, 20, Memphis, Tenn.
• Mishavonna Henson, 18, Irvine, Calif.
• Allison Iraheta, 16, Los Angeles
• Ju'Not Joyner, 26, Bowie, Md.
• Kai Kalama, 26, San Clemente, Calif.
• Brent Keith, 28, Blanchester, Ohio
• Adam Lambert, 26, Los Angeles
• Jesse Langseth, 25, Minneapolis
• Scott MacIntyre, 23, Scottsdale, Ariz.
• Nathaniel Marshall, 18, Malone, N.Y.
• Kristen McNamara, 22, Napa, Calif.
• Nick Mitchell, 27, Brookfield, Conn.
• Jasmine Murray, 16, Starkville, Miss.
• Jorge Nuñez, 20, Carolina, Puerto Rico
• Joanna Pacitti, 23, Philadelphia (DISQUALIFIED) - Replaced by Felicia Barton, 26, Virgina Beach, VA
• Lil Rounds, 23, Memphis, Tenn.
• Michael Sarver, 27, Jasper, Texas
• Von Smith, 22, Kansas City, Mo.
• Jackie Tohn, 27, Los Angeles
• Taylor Vaifanua, 16, Hurricane, Utah
• Jeanine Vailes, 27, Sherman Oaks, Calif.
• Alex Wagner-Trugman, 19, Los Angeles
• Stevie Wright, 16, Phelan, Calif.
The format is different this year. The past few years, we've had a Top 24 where 4 people (2 guys / 2 girls) get eliminated each week to get to the Top 12. I liked that you got to seem them perform each week. Instead this year, there will be three groups of 12 and you'll hear them perform once with 3 people advancing each week (highest guy vote getter, highest girl vote getter, and the third person doesn't matter the sex as long as that person had the 3rd highest amount of votes.). So, once they advance, you don't hear them perform until the Top 12 begins. So that kind of stinks. Then, after three weeks, you'll have 9 people remaining before the wild card round where they will pick 12 people to perform with the judges selecting the final three people. However, I feel they are going to do a Top 13 this year. The reason being that in the past when we had a wild card round, each judge selects a person. However, there are four judges this year so 9 + 4 equals 13. So, that's just a hunch I have.
Performing in the first group is Casey Carlson, Stephen Fowler, Jackie Tohn, Ricky Braddy, Anne Marie Boskovich, Brent Keith, Alexis Grace, Michael Sarver, Stevie Wright, Danny Gokey, Tatiana Del Toro, and Anoop Desai.
Before you even hear them sing, you know that Danny Gokey is a lock to receive the most votes. So, that's the guy. As for the girl, I'm thinking Jackie Tohn (whom I can't stand), Annie Marie Boskovich, and Alexis Grace will battle it out for the girl's vote with the other two maybe making it to the Wild Card. And, you'd think that Michael Sarver gets the next amount of votes to make it with Anoop Desai being asked back for the Wild Card.
Officially now knowing the Top 36, here is how the Top 12 (or maybe 13 but I'm sticking with 12 until that really happens) should be (and I think it will be an uneven mix of 7 guys and 5 girls) in no particular order:
1. Danny Gokey
2. Scott MacIntyre
3. Lil Rounds
4. Adam Lambert
5. Anne Maria Boscovich
6. Michael Sarver
7. Matt Giraud (he's my dark horse and could get better each week)
8. Alexis Grace
9. Anoop Desai
10. Kristen McNamara
11. Brent Keith
12. Jackie Tohn
(Note: I don't fee as confident with the girls picks as I do with the guys picks)
The Early Pick For The Finals: Gokey vs Lambert
Catch ya next week. Same Bird Time...Same Bird Channel.
Birdman Out