So, we are down to the Top 9 who was performing iTunes most popular downloads. And here's how that played out:
First up is Anoop Dawg who has avoided the bottom 3 last week. I'm telling you; it's the year of the Indian with Slumdog Millionaire being the big Oscar Winner, Parminder Nagra having her farewell episode on ER last week, and Ghandi's 1/2 Birthday is April 2nd (I share a birthday with him) is this week so that is all good news for Anoop. Finally, Bobby Jindal recently did the republican response to President Obama's speech to the nation. All of that makes this the Y.O.T.I. - Year Of The Indian. So, despite Anoop's performance, he could still be safe another week. He was singing Usher's "Caught Up" and it was a big ouch. It totally didn't work. It was the totally wrong song choice and didn't really show off his voice despite some the lyrics which I didn't even understand what he was singing. So, will the Anoop Factor play into his favor or will Anoop sail off into the sunset. We shall see.
I'm one of the world's worst dancers. I spent $700 on dance lessons before my wedding which was a waste of money. Despite this, I'm still a much better dancer than Megan Joy. How much longer is the Joy going to be there. The "joy" and laughter will be gone soon after Megan's elimination. She sang Bob Marley/Lauryn Hill’s "Turn Your Lights Down Low." I should have turned the lights off as well as the TV during this mess of a performance. The only reason the television stayed on is that she's pretty to look at but besides that, the stage presence was horrific and the singing was even worse than that. Scratching my cornea with a rusty nail could be less painful that listening to Megan sing. This girl needs to be kicked off already despite my daughter's obsession with "tattoo girl."
Next, it was Gokey time. That's Danny Gokey. What is there bad to say about this guy. I think the dead wife thing helped you remember him in the early auditions but since then, that's been a non issue as Danny as been Mr. Consistent each week. And, if he wins, I'm sure he'll be the next Idol contestant to date Kimberly Caldwell for a few months. Anyway, Danny's song choice was Rascal Flatts’ "What Hurts the Most." Danny did a solid job. He has a unique voice, has fun on the stage, and seems quite polished. It wasn't his best performance but it was very good. What I want from Danny is the "WOW" performance ala what David Cook did with Billie Jean. I know there are 8 weeks left so that "WOW" performance could be coming but I want to see that "WOW" performance now to solidify him as the front-runner.
If I put an Annie wig on Wilbur from Charlotte's Web, what would I have? Answer: A Red-Headed Pig OR Allison Irritating. Thus, Allison was up next to perform No Doubt’s "Don’t Speak" which she did with a guitar. Who even know she knew how to play the guitar. First of all, she was dressed for Halloween. She looked ridiculous in her outfit which all of the judges commented on that totally didn't help her performance. However, where they all think she has this great voice, I just don't get it. I feel she screams instead of sings. I just don't get the obsession with her and for once, the judges didn't love her performance either. It's about time that they are finally thinking that she's not that good and I don't think the guitar helped her. I'd love to see her go home.
Scott MacIntyre's turn was next. Yeah, yeah, yeah...I keep on hearing from ya'll that "Scott Sucks" but trust me, the only thing that sucks about Scott is that he doesn't know when to stop ass wiping after a poop as he can't see when the TP is clean. Besides that, this guy got game. He is singing Billy Joel's "I Love You Just The Way You Are" which is the perfect song choice for him. Plus, they fixed up his hair to make it less poofy. He totally redeemed himself from last week which I liked despite America disliking it. His voice was great and he put himself out of the bottom three for this week. Way to go Scotty!
Then came Matt who needs to have that mole removed from the center of his forehead. Despite the growth, he has a cool look and had no business being in last week's bottom 3. He was singing Fray's "You Found Me" and this was his worst performance which came at the worst time. Since he was in the bottom three last week and was so bad this week, that could mean bad things for Mr. Giraud. He totally got away from who he is. He needs to play something more soulful and this was just the opposite of it. I'm not quite sure what he was thinking. I think he is the perfect candidate for the judges save if he somehow got eliminated but not sure what happened to Matt this week. I'm flabbergasted.
Lil Rounds, not to be confused with Lil Kim, Lil Wayne, Lil Romeo, Lil Jon, Lil Boosie, Lil Mama, Lil Scrappy but this Lil can sing better than any of these other Lils. Lil was in need of a bit week and came out to sing Celine Dion's "I Surrender." Yes, you heard me right. She picked a Celine Dion song. Haven't these contestants learned over the years that you do NOT pick Celine, Mariah, or Whitney as you'll never come up with a version better than the original. What a huge mistake in song choice. Secondly, what is up with her wig every week? Part of what we love about Lil is her short hair which is perfect for her image so not sure why she's wearing this dead squirrel on her head every week. Lil was off key for most of the song until she hit some power notes in the last 30 seconds to maybe help her cause. She's another candidate for the judges save but I'm still waiting for Lil to listen to the judges comments and pick the right song that fits her voice.
Next up is Adam Lambert. My good friend, who has more music knowledge in his testicle than I have in my entire body, claims that Lambert is just like the Rum-Tug-Tugger. I'm not sure what the heck that means but I'm gonna take his word on it. Anyway, Adam was singing Wild Cherry's "Play That Funky Music" which is not one of my favorite songs. It's up there with "Brick House" that I can't stand. Anyway, he does a good job for Adam but this guy belongs on stage at a hip Broadway show. Could you really listen to 10 tracks of this same thing that he does? Plus, why did they change his hair? The hair doesn't go with the kind of act that he is. He's definitely going far but he's the Rum Tug Tugger for sure, well, I guess.
Finally, there's Kris Allen getting the final spot. He is so much better than last year's favorite pot smoker - Jason Castro who made it all the way to 4th place but with this year's crop of singers much stronger than last year. However, if Kris continues to perform like he did last night, he could easily get much further than where Castro made it which was crazy that he got that far but that's last year's news. Kris was at the piano singing Bill Withers "Ain't No Sunshine" which was a great choice. I still have in my head the Christina Christian version which made it on the Season 1 CD so I'm so used to a chick signing this song that it was great to hear a guy's spin on it even though the original version is from a dude. And this was his WOW performance. It was just that good. Kris hasn't gotten a ton of buzz since we didn't know much about him until the Top 36 but he should be talked about in the same breath as a Danny or Adam.
So, who is the bottom 3? I'm gonna have to say that Anoop and Megan are locks for the bottom 3. Then, it's really between Allison and Matt. I'm gonna say Allison takes that third spot in the bottom 3. I then think the Anoop Factor gets Anoop back to the bleachers and it's between Megan and Allison to go home. And going home tonight on American Idol is....Megan.
Until next week....Birdman Out.