Well, after all the b/s, it's time for the competition to really begin. Who is going to be the next Kelly Clarkson or Carrie Underwood? Will one of this year's contestants one day win a Grammy or an Oscar? Highly doubtful based on this year's crop. I think we could be looking at an "off year" this year and that was confirmed after listening to last night's slop. But, here's how it all played out:
Diana Ross was the theme and Brandon Rogers was first out of the gate to butcher "Can't Hurry Love." First of all, he forgot his words. Ya practice this song all week and forget the words? Come on. This is not a song that you are hearing for the first time. Hell, I probably know half the words and I'm terrible at remembering lyrics. His "pop" look as taken him as far as he can probably go. Time is ticking on Mr. Rogers and his neighborhood. He had some moments where I thought he had some decent vocals but 90% of the song was unlistenable.
Melinda Doolittle was up next singing "Home". I wasn't too familiar with this Diana Ross song but what can ya say...she did a great job singing it. My problem is her looks. She looks like she could be one of the music teachers in "Lean On Me" or one of the munchkins in "The Wiz." But, again, this is a singing competition and this girl can definitely sing. I just don't know who is going to rush out and buy the latest Doolittle album unless it is preceded by the word "Doctor".
Next up was one of my favorites, Chris Sligh, singing "Endless Love." What I liked about this performance was that he took a recognizable song and made is so recognizable even though you knew exactly what he was singing. Does that make any sense? Well, to me it does. The judges weren't too thrilled by the performance but I thought it was totally original. Despite the judges comments, he's definitely safe for the week. I actually liked that he didn't have the glasses on this week. It will be interesting to see his transformation as the weeks go on.
Punk Rocker Gina Glocksen was next singing "Love Child." Great song choice but it wasn't anything special. I could see the same performance in Greenwich Village at some bar. I thought she looked good singing it and was having a blast but there are thousands of Gina Glocksens around the country and they all perform at bars, fraternity parties, and at clubs at the beach. Sorry Gina...it didn't do a thing for me but it was far from the worst of the night.
Speaking of Worst of the night, that award goes to Sanjaya Malakar murdering "Ain't No Mountain High Enough". Great song choice but by the wrong contestant. First of all, this guy's looks are getting creepier each week. The eyebrows need to be thinned. The hair? What was up with that last night? Did he get a perm? It was like Jim Morrison meets Michael Jackson. His outfit was geeky and his dancing was embarrassing. It could have been the worst performance in Idol history at this stage of the game. So, to the American public, PLEASE STOP VOTING FOR THIS GUY ! I can't take it. He's worse than Fantasia. He's worse than AJ Gill. He's worse than Paris Bennett. He's worse than John Stevens. And, I can't believe I'm gonna say this. He could be worse than Mikalah Gordon. Sanjaya...please spare us and throw in the towel and save yourself from future ridicule.
Another contestant that didn't belong, Haley Scarnato, sung "Missing You." She beat out Sabrina Sloan which was shocking but now was her turn to show us that the viewers got it right. Well, she totally forgot her words in the middle. I really didn't like the vocals that much but Simon said it wasn't a bad performance and he liked it. I think he was just saying that so that she can be saved and the viewers can finally vote of Sanjaya. He basically threw her a bone to keep her on the show for an additional week but it may have backfired since there were so many bad performances that there are at least 5 people on the bubble.
Egg Head Phil Stacey had his turn and performed "I'm Going To Make You Love Me." I didn't love how he started off but during the chorus, he would have some vocals similar to Clay Aiken hitting those power notes. I thought it was one of the better performances of the night and he has nothing to worry about this week. That's more than I can say for Mario Vasquez and his masturbating controversy that came out yesterday but that's a whole different ball of wax that I won't get into right now.
Can you say, "Lakisha Jones"? I hope you can because she is going to be around for a bit. She sang "God Bless This Child." I wish she didn't sing a song with "God" in the title as she has the tendency to make a song sound too gospel and churchy. That being said, she has a great voice. Do I love her? NO. Will I rush out and buy her CD if she wins? NO. And, what was up with her dress? I've never seen cleavage like that before. It almost looked like a butt's crack it was so big. Holy Crap!
Following her on the stage was Blake Lewis who sang "You Keep Me Hanging On." I thought he did much better than the judges thought. I liked the spin he put on the song making it more for the younger generation. I really wanted a little beatbox in the middle but he decided to pass on that. He has great stage presence as he can dance and sway all over the stage as he sings. He's a good performer and will be one of the last guys remaining when the crap is eliminated.
Ahhhh, now Stephanie Edwards was up singing "Love Hangover." I think Stephanie and Sabrina were so similar in recent weeks that they split the vote and Stephanie got a bit more than Sabrina which is why Stephanie is still with us. She did a solid job singing and I agree with the judges that she should have sung the power part of the song to really wow us. She didn't but I still enjoyed her voice. She'll go on for a bit ala Tamayra, Latoya, and Vonzell but she won't win the competition.
Chris Richardson was next singing "The Boss." I'm not sure why so many people like this guy. I can't stand him. He has a terrible stage presence. He SO badly wants to be a lead in a boy band but the problem with that is that he can't dance and he can't sing. His vocals are beyond awful. The entire song was sung thru his nose and all he did was continue to do his vocal runs. Sing the lyrics Chris. Stop with the moaning and crap. I'm not a fan of this guy at all. Hopefully he is not this year's Bucky Covington because I can't stand for this guy to go that deep.
Finally, there was my Audition Favorite, Jordin Sparks to end the show with "If We Hold On Together." And how can you not love this girl. She has the look. She has the voice. She has the smile. She has the personality. Loved her performance. And, I'm going to go out on a limb that she will WIN American Idol 6. I can see myself buying her CD over Lakisha and Melinda. So, there ya go. It's official. Jordin Sparks is our next American Idol.
So, that leaves the worst. Oye. Brandon sucked. Chris Richardson sucked. Haley sucked. And of course, Sanjaya sucked. So, my bottom 3 are all boys. Brandon, Chris, and Sanjaya.
Unfortunately, Chris will go back to the bench leaving Brandon and Sanjaya standing. Sanjaya really deserves to go home but if he has a fan base, then Brandon is a goner. But, it's pretty much a toss-up. Please...let it be Sanjaya ! Birdman Out.