It's May Madness as the Final 4 has arrived. Barry Gibb was the theme. Basically, what we have here is the weakest final 4 since Idol began. One may argue the final 4 of season 3 was worse with Fantasia, Diana DeGarmo, Jasmine Trias, and Latoya London. Latoya exiting at the 4 slot is better than anyone we have left this season. However, I believe that Melinda and Jordin are stronger than Jasmine, Diana, and Fantasia (although, people will definitely no agree with me on the Fantasia thing). Anyway...here's how it went down:
Melinda kicked things off singing "Love You Inside And Out." I had commented before on how well the stylist have changed her image from dwarfy to normal. So, with it being the top 4, I didn't want her looks to distract the singing. So, I just focused on my dinner - Cincinnati chilli stuffed in jumbo pasta shells and then stuffed with shredded cheddar cheese. So, listening to her singing, I thought she did a good job. Can you say Gladys Knight? It was far from her best but when you look at the Top 4, it was safe. I agree with the judges that I want to be Wow'd at this stage of the game. Melinda's second song was "How Can You Mend A Broken Heart?" And I think I jinxed her when she came out in that grandma-like dress. What ever they did to her for the second song made her look like a dwarf for the first time in a month. The neck was again gone. The waist was again missing. The stylist really blew it here. The song started off a bit boring but about mid way through it, she took it to another level. Melinda was back belting out lyrics; she looked like a polished professional up there on the stage.
Blake Lewis followed her. He was coming off his amazing Bon Jovi performance of last week. I was so curious as to what he would do. His first song was "You Should Be Dancing." However, the dancing was not his problem. First of all, what is up with the black hair. My wife said he looks like Simon Le Bon (Duran Duran). I thought it was a good song choice but the entire song was sung in a high falsetto voice and Blake's voice is not that good to begin with. I was seconds away from fast forwarding the performance to the end so I didn't have to hear any more of it. He went from one of the best performances of the season to one of the worst of the season. The beat boxing didn't work for this song. I see this guy as a back-up vocalist in a European Band but surely not a lead singer. It was quite creepy. Blake's second song was "This Is Where I Came In." Sorry dude...this is where you bow out ! I can't believe that Barry Gibb said that Blake could turn this lesser known song into a hit. Maybe he forgot the "s" with "hit" and he meant to say that he would turn the song into a piece of shit. This was worse than his first performance. The singing was terrible. The song was horrendous. The outfit and the hair was just wrong. He can maybe make a career singing in techno clubs for people to dance to when they are cracked out and/or high on extacy (I can't spell.)
Lakisa's turn was next. Her first song was "Stayin' Alive." This was the wrong song choice. There are certain songs SO big that you just don't touch. This is one of the biggest Bee-Gees songs of all time and is so unique and popular that it should have been untouched. However, she touched it. Stayin alive has left Lakisa out for dead. The good news was that her jugs were back and as enormous as ever. But the singing was bad. She seemed out of breath at points. The song was made by people with such high voices and then Lakisha sung it, the song was so deep and slow and boring. It was a total snooze fest. This may have been a hit for Lakisha at her local church with the choir, but on stage for American, it was plain and ordinary and bad. Lakisha's second song is "Run To Me." First of all, her voice totally cracked at the end. As for the entire performance, it was mediocre at best. Is Lakisha our next American Idol? If Jennifer Hudson didn't make it to the Top 3 a few years back, Lakisha doesn't deserve to make it that far as she not even half as good as Jennifer.
Jordan is next and then also ends the show. Her first song was "To Love Somebody." Great song choice. She sounds a bit like a young Toni Braxton which is a good thing. She looked comfortable up there belting out the lyrics. It was by far the best of the night. The shame of it is, that if she was part of past seasons, besides Season 3, she probably would not have made it to the Top 2. However, this season is a different story as her competition is weak. She's the most marketable of the 4 remaining and her first song solidified her quest to make it to the finals. Jordin's second song was "A Woman In Love." It was not her best performance but based on what I've heard from the Final 4, I reiterate my prediction that Miss Sparks is our next American Idol.
What scares me is that for the Final 4 of prior years, every other year, there has been a BIG upset. Season 1 had Nikki McKibbin upset Tamayra Gray. Season 2, I don't believe there was an upset as Kimberly Locke was much better than Josh Gracin. Season 3 had Jasmine Trias upset Latoya London. Season 4 there wasn't an upset either as Vonzell Solomon was much better than Anthony Federov. Season 5 had a big upset when Elliot Yamin outlasted Chris Daughtry. So, what is instore for season 6? If the pattern holds, then either Lakisa or Blake are gone. But, you never know if the upset factor can hold putting Jordin or Melinda in trouble. Who knows ! I'm still saying Lakisa and Blake are the bottom 3 and that Lakisha will be going home as I thing Lakisha will lose votes to Melinda and Jordin while Blake has a totally different fan base. We shall see.
Until then...Birdman Out.
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