Well, we were down to the final 5 for the 7th season of American Idol and what a strange night it was. The theme was Neil Diamond and here's how it went:
Jason Castro's first song was "Forever In Blue Jeans." Jason told us that when he was practicing, he kept on forgetting the lyrics. Maybe dude, you should ease up on the weed so you can remember your songs. Again, I don't get this kid. White rasta kid doing Neil Diamond was quite odd in my book. This kid has no right being in the top five as he really can't sing. The perfect example always goes back to Jack Johnson, whoever he is but is compared to. People say he's like Jack Johnson. But, if I had a choice to hear Jack Johnson or Jason Castro (and had to choose one cause I'd rather not see either), I'm sure I'd pick Jack Johnson in a heartbeat. Jason's second song was "September Morn" which had some sentimental meaning to me. Yup, growing up this was one of the 8-Tracks my dad would always put on when I was in the back seat. For those of you who are too young, the 8-Track was right before the cassette but after the LP Record. It was a ridiculous invention as you could only skip around to 4 different parts on the entire tape but they called it EIGHT track. Anyway, this was one of Jason's better performances. He sung it well for him but who cares. It surely didn't wow me. Maybe I should be smoking what America is for keeping this kid in the competition for so long. The best is that after his first song, Paula started talking about his 2nd song which he hadn't sung yet. She was either reading her wrong notes or just spaced out from the drugs she's on and remembering his 2nd song from rehearsals. I guess she's smoking the same stuff that Jason is.
David Cook's first song was "I'm Alive" and rocked it. There's not much else to say. Each week he is hands down far better than the other contestants. He makes each song his own. He sings it well. He modernizes it. And he has the stage presence where it looks like he belongs up there doing what he's doing. David's second song was "All I Really Need Is You." This was fantastic. I really wasn't as familiar with this song but it could easily be on the radio right now as a hit. This guy is a shoe in for the finals and the whole competition will come down to how big of a fan base David Archuletta really has.
Then, there was Brooke White. Oye Vey. I don't even know where to begin on this one. Her first song was "I'm A Believer"...yup, a song that the Monkees made popular and that recently Smashmouth made for Shrek 2. First of all, wrong song choice. Sing a Neil Diamond song. I don't care that he wrote it. Sing a song that he sings. Secondly, her movements around the stage was quite creepy. It was as if she had a few glasses of wine, just used her electric didlo, and was getting ready for a date that she was so excited for. It was out of tune and it was quite repulsive to listen to. I can never get that one minute and forty seconds back from that performance. Her second song was "I Am I Said" which is a good Neil Diamond song. But, her at the piano singing it was odd. It was almost as if I envisioned little first graders sitting around the piano and Brooke was singing to them. Hey Brooke....you are in the Top 5. This is season 7. That means there have been a total of 35 people who have been in this position and you came out and became the worst of those 34 other people. Heck...Anthony Federov could have done a better job with this song. Tick, tick, tick.... Time's almost up Brookie!
David Archuleta should shine doing Neil Diamond. There were two Neil Diamond songs that I didn't want anyone to sing. David comes out and sings that first song I didn't want to hear - "Sweet Caroline." I've heard this song covered by every cover band there is. Plus, it's played at every wedding and bar mitzvah. It's such a popular song that no one should have touched it. But, David decided to give it a stab. He has a nice voice but wrong song. He just came across as very corny and there was no way an audience could be wow'd with that song choice. Then, the second song he sang was the other song I didn't want anyone to sing - "America." I guess it was a smart choice singing a patriotic song as it saved Kristy Lee Cook a few weeks ago but this song is pure Neil and he really didn't pull it off. He sung it decently and actually ended the song strong with some power notes but this was not one of Archuleta's better nights.
Finally there was Syesha Mercado. Her first song was "Hello Again." First of all, I don't like what she did to her hair. I hit pause and she looked exactly like Garcelle Beauvais-Nilon whom I can't stand as she's in nothing that I can recall but she's in EVERY People and US Weekly magazine. She irritates me like Syesha. She actually has a nice voice and sang well for her but it was boring. I don't want to be bored with only five people remaining. Her second song was "Thank the Lord for the Nighttime." This was way too churchy for me. If she sang this at a church, the choir and people in the audience would be going wild. However, she sung it in front of 30 million people who she probably put to sleep.
So, who is the bottom 3? I'm going to have to say its Jason, Brooke, and Syesha. They should all be sent packing but it's really got to be Brooke after tonight as she really was painful.
Until next week...Birdman Out.