Well, it was Mariah Carey week on American Idol this week. Going into the night, I thought it could be either really good or really bad. A few years ago Idol did Gloria Estefan night which was a complete flop so I was hoping we were not going to suffer the same fate. Here's how it went down:
David Archeluta started things off singing "When You Believe." This was a great song choice for him. He has this voice that can hit the notes of a woman but sound like a man if that makes any sense. I wished he changed it up a little bit more than the original version but he did a fantastic job to start off the show. I'm just glad he didn't choose a song from "Glitter."
Following was Carly Smithson and I liked that she covered up a lot of her tatoo with this performance. Hearing a tattooed girl singing a Mariah Carey song would look funny to the voting public. I actually do like her tattoos but she made a smart move covering it up. She sang "I Can't Live (If Living Is Without You" and I liked it. Not sure why the judges were getting on her case. I thought she belted the power notes nice and ended great. Yeah, it may have been a bit off in the beginning but she ended pretty strong. Unfortunately, based on the judges comments, she could wind up in a bit of trouble this week.
Then came Syesha Mercado coming off of her Whitney impression and her Fantasia impression and now she's stuck doing Mariah. Sucks for you honey! I thought she could have picked a better song that people knew. She sang "Vanashing" which I've never heard of which I guess was smart since she picked the wrong songs the prior two weeks. This girl just bores me. I just want to smack her in the head. I even got up to get an Italian ice in the middle of her snooze fest. I think it's time for her to go. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
It was now Brooke White's turn and she chose "Hero". She did what I thought Syesha was going to do...sing one of the really popular songs where you need a very strong and powerful voice. I did enjoy her unplugged version but wanted more from it. It was also a boring performance sung well but not fantastic. At this stage in the competition, I want to be WOW'd. And instead, I was Hmmmmm'd. Basically, it was not bad but not good enough.
Kristy Lee Cook now had her turn. She's survived in recent weeks by having smart song choices and good singing. The song she chose was "Forever" which was a good choice but I found it a bit weird with the country spin on it. It was sort of like Shania doing Mariah but it wasn't working for me. Don't get me wrong...she sang the song nicely. It's too bad her legs weren't like Haley Scarnato who got really deep with her legs. She doesn't have that body part that will keep her alive much longer. I didn't hate her singing but again, I was not wow'd.
David Cook was up next and I'm always excited for his performance as he really changes it up and makes it his own. He sang "Always Be My Baby" and now I finally got that WOW from the night that I was looking for. Hell, this version could have even been better than Mariah's version. There's not much else to say but "See Ya In The Finals !"
Finally it was Jason Castro's turn to butcher a Mariah song. Marijuana smokers and Maria Carey don't mix. It's like mixing orange juice and soda. It just doesn't work. He sings "I Don't Want To Cry". I just don't know what to say and I don't get why he gets good marks mostly by the judges. At least Randy didn't get the performance this week. I don't get it either. Please send this kid home already.
So, who goes home? The bottom 3 could be Brooke, Syesha, Carly or Kristy but I'd love if Jason Castro was in that mix as well. But, that's 5 people so I guess I need to pick 3. Let's go with Syesha, Brooke, and Carly with Syesha getting the boot tonight.
Looking forward to another week of Idol. But until then, Birdman Out.
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