Well, I'm back from vacation and ready to talk about Idol. If you weren't paying attention, Ramielle was given the boot last week. But, that was then, and this is now. So, let's see what happened during "inspirational Song" week this week.
First to hit the stage was Michael Johns. I thought he did a good job singing a song I loathe. But, I agreed with Simon right after his performance. He didn't make the song his own; he just imitated Steven Tyler. Dude...do something different like you did with your Queen songs. Take a song and make it yours instead of taking a song and singing it well but just like the version that we all know. We all know Michael Johns is talented but he needs to really think about his arrangement before committing to something that will get criticized. I'm still waiting for that week to go, "WOW."
Syesha was up next. She's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I thought she would have learned her lesson from last week after singing a Whitney Houston song not nearly as good as Whitney. Now, she does something even worse. She takes a song by an Ex-Idol (Fantasia), and tries to make it her own. Okay, that song "I Believe" was sung when Fantasia won American Idol. Why the heck would you choose that song when the song is so associated with Fantasia. Yeah, she sung the song very nicely but I want to hear her sing a song that she can make her own and not someone else's. So, who is she gonna try and imitate next week? Mariah Carey or Celine Dion.
Following that was Jason Castro singing "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" while playing the ukulele. And again, I don't get it. All the judges loved it and I thought it sucked. It was like The Wizard Of Oz On Marajuana. I wanted to tie his braids around his neck and smash the ukulele over his head. I don't get the song choice. I don't get the singing. I don't get the ukulele. I don't get why he's in the top 7. Is he really the 7th best person that has tried out for American Idol this season? I find that really hard to believe. And based on what the judges said, this dope will probably be around next week.
Next up was Kristy Lee Cook singing "Anyway" by Martina McBride. Not sure what the heck this song was but then again, I know nothing about country music. The weird thing was that she sung the song really well and was definitely her best performance since "Amazing Grace" back in the auditions round. The problem here is that Kristy had so many bad weeks that many people already have their favorites so she still could be in trouble despite having one of her better weeks.
Then came David Cook who really should be our season's winner but he came out and sung "Innocent" by Our Lady Of Peace. Okay...I may not be a music maven but who the hell is Our Lady Of Peace? That song was terrible. It wasn't just bad. It was really terrible. There was no tune and it didn't show off David's voice at all. I did like his stage presence and the way he walked around the stage and audience but the singing was his worst of the competition which had a lot to due with that horrific song choice. There are only 6 weeks to go so song choice is so important. David will be save but let's hope he doesn't sing such garbage songs again.
Following David was Carly Smithson singing Queen's "The Show Must Go On." Why does someone have to sing Queen each week? This song was NOT fit for her voice at all. I hated it. She is so much better than what she showed from us last night. Of all the inspirational songs, this is what she chose? There have been some good performances this week so Carley could wind up in the bottom 3. I was hoping for greatness and we got mediocre.
Then it was David Archuleta's turn to take the stage. Inspirational music was perfect for David. He sung a song called "Angels" at the piano. I didn't quite love the song in the beginning but he really stepped it up towards the end to make you forget about the first part of the song. He'll have no problems advancing but I really would have loved a different song from him. How about sing a song that we know already. He always seems to chose these songs that no one has ever heard of.
Finally, Brooke White sung Carole King's "You've Got A Friend." And personally, this song bored the crap out of me. Don't get me wrong; it's a great song but the way she sang it made me want to stab myself in the eye. She sang it nice but it just didn't connect with me especially for the last song of the night which is mostly one of the better performances. Brooke could be in trouble after this snoozefest.
So, how goes home? I'd have to say the Bottom 3 could be Syesha, Brooke, or Carly. Actually, Kristy Lee could be in the bottom 3 as well. I think it's time for Syesha to go home. Rememeber...donate money tonight but we'll have to wait until Thursday night to see who goes home. Until then, Birdman Out.
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