It was the girls turn to go and since Crystal Smellysox caused the switcheroo of girls to boys, it was right that they had Crystal kick off the show.
I know I've been hard on Crystal. I hate her hideous teeth. I can recommend a GREAT dentist for her in Livingston. I hate her dirty hair/dreads. I can recommend a great shampoo. I hate that stupid thing under her lip but above her chin. But, there is one thing I don't hate and that's her voice. She is hands down a better performer, singer, and artist than any of the other 9 girls and that became obvious after her rendition of Creedence Clearwater Revival's "Long As I Can See The Light" which she rocked while on the guitar. When you hear her sing, you don't notice all of her imperfections and the staff's stylists are making her look a bit more appealing each week. Crystal will be around for a long time so I guess by the end, she may even be good looking.
So, we go from the high of Crystal to the low of Haeley Vaughn. I think the judges thought they had the next big country star when they put Haeley in the Top 24. I hope the judges realize that they are wrong. This is NOT Haeley Underwood or Haeley Swift. She's basically Haeley Wrong. As she got on stage looking exactly like Dee from What's Happening, she utterly destroyed Miley Cyrus' "The Climb" with every verse she attempted to sing with her lisp. The judges claim she's too young and needs more time. Time wont help this girl. She's not born to be a professional singer. Even if I saw her sing on a cruise or in a theme park, I think I'd walk out. That's how bad it is. Yeah, maybe she can be a star in her high school play but that's about as far as it will go. The only thing appealing about her voice is when she's silent. This girl needs to go home...NOW !
Up next was Lacey Brown. I'm not sure I get this girl's voice ala Megan Joy. It's supposed to be singing but it's more like talking and squealing. Maybe she should try out for voice-over work for the next Chimpmunks sequel. She sings "Kiss Me" and while it may be better than last week, it's still just not good. She really just doesn't have a good voice so no matter what the judges say as their critique, it's not going to matter if you are not a great singer. I look for Lacey to be one of the candidates to go home this week.
We then get to see Katie Stevens who looks a bit like Suri Cruise. Katie is cute but who cares that she can say "give me a kiss" in 8 languages? So what. She's an international slut? Is this relevant information that we need? Anyway, she goes with "Put Your Records On" by Corinne Bailey Ray and does an okay job with it. I thought it wasn't as good as she was last week but since there are others that are so bad, it actually made the song maybe sound better than it was when comparing apples to apples. I think she'll be safe due to poor performances from the other girls.
Then came Didi Benami who's twin in Jannell Wheeler got the boot last week. Didi sang Bill Withers' "Lean On Me" which I thought was not a great song choice. I feel about Didi the same what I did about Brooke White - who cares? I actually closed my eyes and if someone didn't tell me who was singing, I wouldn't know if it was Lacey Brown or Didi Benami. So, that being said, Didi becomes on the bubble for her poor performance of a keroeke song.
Michelle Delamor was next to sing. She picks a interesting song in Creed's "With Arms Wide Open" and while it was unique and original for the first second, it went right down hill after that first line. I like that she tried to change it up and would have loved to have heard Jordin Sparks do this song back in her year but Michelle's version just wasn't strong enough. She was pitchy and couldn't come close to hitting the high notes. I think she'll still squeak by this week based on her looks and the fact that it was better than others.
Lilly Scott now had her turn. I'm SO not a fan. She's Allison Irritating with platinum hair. She's an ugly Ann Jillian. Her hair looks like what my mom used to use to clean the blinds. You know...that duster thing that's on a plastic stick? She sings Sam Cooke's "A Change Is Gonna Come" and ya know what, I just don't like it despite the judges praise. This girl is this year's "I Just Don't Get It" girl. I don't care what she sings. I don't like her voice. I don't like her personality. She annoys me. She looks awkward on the stage. She's a village girl. She can sing on Bleeker or Houston any day of the week as long as I'm not in attendance but on stage for American Idol doesn't quite do it to me. I almost got up to suck a TUMS after she sang. But, it looks like she'll be around for a bit. How annoying. I loved when Randy compared Lilly to Bjork. That's great Randy...Bjork sucks too !
On the stage next was Katelyn Epperly. I thought Katelyn did a solid job and surprised me last week. I thought she did even better this week with Coldplay's "The Scientist" while at the piano. She's a cute girl and it's not often when you see the female at the piano as Brooke White used to do. I thought she showed off that she has a great voice and could be a dark horse to go deep in this competition. She'll get better each week and with her looks and personality, I think she'll be around for a bit. Yeah, I wish she picked up the pace of the song a bit but I thought she did a great job.
Then we get to see Paige Miles who looks like Lawrence Taylor's off-spring. She did what I hate when people do; pick a song made famous by a prior idol contestant. She chose to sing Kelly Clarkson's "Walk Away" and I walked out during the performance to get the bag of chocolate from the freezer as a snack. Actually...I'm wrong. I did that during Lacy's performance. I went upstairs during this performance to put the pacifier back in the baby's mouth and didn't even waste my time hitting
Finally we get to hear Siobhan or Chevon; sounds like a gas station to me. She is another girl that is destined for greatness in small clubs in the East or West village. When they showed footage of Siobhan with a mohawk, it didn't surprise me but it was quite disturbing. Does she think that looked good? What's the statement she's making by shaving off her hair? The statement from my perspective is that she looks ridiculous. She went with Aretha Franklin's "Think" and I thought that I really didn't like it until the last 20 seconds of the song when she went Adam Lambert on us with one big note to save her ass. If you take away that one note, she's on the bubble for this keroeke performance but that ending saved her for sure.
So, who's going home. The worst of the night as far as I'm concerned was Haeley followed by Lacey Brown and then Didi Benami. So, it should be any of these three. I'm gonna say Lacey survives again and I'm gonna go with Haeley and Didi.
Until tomorrow, Birdman Out.
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