Okay, before I get into last night's performances, let me briefly touch on last week's eliminations as I was on my death bed sick as a dog and couldn't think of typing anything.
As we know, both Todrick and Alex were given the boot. Personally, both of these guys are better than Aaron Kelly and Tim Urban. As for the girls, we lost Lilly and Katelyn. I could care less about Lilly. She's a bitter person and can have a miserable life performing at her county fairs. As for Katelyn, she got screwed. She had the look and the voice and it's shocking that she lost out to some of the people we are stuck with like Paige, Didi and Katie. But, the highlight of the night was the duet between Scott MacIntyre and Matt Giraud singing Billy Joel. Watch out world...Scotty Mac is gonna be big.
So, let's see how things went down now that we are at the real part of this competition already.
The theme for the night is The Rolling Stones. Now, I'm not a Rolling Stones fan. So, after watching last night's performances, I'm not sure if the Rolling Stones are really bad OR if no one can really pull off a Mick Jagger song. It's probably a combination of both.
First up on the big stage is Big Mike. Mike, this season's Ruben Studderesque teddy bear, sent with "Miss You." This wasn't my favorite Lynche performance. I though he was much better the past two weeks. He sang the song well but his dancing on stage was a bit amateurish. But, Mike got soul and he'll sail through to the next week with ease.
Next up is Didi Benami. Or, she could do what Megan Joy Corkery did last year and drop her last name. Before ya know it, she's just gonna be Didi. Didi is a pretty girl and there are times I think she can sing and there are times where her voice wants me to grab one of the wife's tampons and stick them in my ear to absorb the bleeding. Didi went with "Play With Fire" and it was boring. Think about it. Do you even remember this performance last night? She spoke half of the song. Sung a quarter of the song. And there was another quarter of the song that was just plain bad. Shockingly, the judges didn't hate her performance. She may just get a bit deeper ala Brooke White / Megan Joy based on looks alone.
Casey James was next doing his version of "It's All Over Now." Well, it's far from over for Casey James. He's got the girls vote right where he wants it. If Bucky Covington can go to the Top 8, then Casey can go much further than that. I'm just not sure if Casey is a country star or a rock star. What I love is watching Kara watch Casey. Her husband must love seeing his wife drool over some kid. Personally, I think Casey is good and I really have no issues with the guy. I do agree with Simon that he needs to do more on the stage and be a star instead of just standing there strumming his guitar.
Lacey Brown now gets her turn and chose "Ruby Tuesday" which was appropriate since the performance was on a Tuesday night. I'm not a Lacey fan. Her sing / talking is just not good. I don't like that sound. I don't like her voice of lack thereof. Lacey is a forgettable person. Do you remember Leah LaBelle or Melissa McGhee? These were forgettable girls in the Top 12 from prior seasons. They are all forgettable. Lacey may not be the first to go but she still falls into this forgettable category.
Andrew Garcia hits the stage next and went up there with out his guitar to do "Gimme Shelter." It was the first time we've seen Andrew sing a song NOT buy a girl. Personally, not a fan of the song and I think he does better when he sings a song by a girl and makes it his own. Unfortunately, with it being Rolling Stones week, he had no choice but to sing a dude song. I like this Garcia kid. I think he has potential to do that WOW song again but this surely wasn't a WOW. It was an "EHHHH." But, I do hope he sticks around as I think he's one of those contestants that can be average one week and blow us away the next week.
We then get to see Katie Stevens version of "Wild Horses." Simon pointed out that he had a hit with this song by Susan Boyle. Whoop De Doo. You couldn't pay me to buy a Susan Boyle CD. Katie is over her head in this competition. When she's on stage, I feel like she's performing in her high school talent show. Katie has a nice voice but she's always pitchy. It's a shame she's in the competition this year as I feel she's do better if she was in this competition two years from now. I think one of the wild horses may have had a stroke after hearing this version of the song.
Oye. Now we hear Tim Urban. Tim goes with reggae version of "Under My Thumb." What was under my thumb was the fast forward button on the remote control. This was one of the worst performances of the night by far. The reggae version didn't work. He doesn't have the voice. I look at him and all I see is Dirk Diggler. Tim's time could be up.
The crazy Siobhan is next doing her version of "Paint It Black." She bored me through the first 80% of the song and then she want Adam Lambert the last part of the song to wow the judges. Personally, I thought the performance from beginning to end was horrendous. It seemed very keroeke to me and then that yell at the end solidified why I really don't get excited by this girl. She's a bar performer. Who's rushing to the store to buy the new Siobhan album?
Lee Dewyze's turn was now. Lee needs to get some personality and quick. He's worked in a paint store but talking to him as about as entertaining as watching paint dry. Lee's song choice is perfect for him in "Beast of Burden." Lee's got the perfect rocker voice ala Daughtry and David Cook. So, he's got the voice in his favor. For him to go really deep, we'll need him to continue to pick good songs and to get some personality or he'll turn into an early exit like Michael Sarver.
On the stage next is Paige Miles. I feel like she's so overrated. Simon keeps on praising her voice. I must be deaf. I don't like her voice or her Lawrence Taylor look or her stage presence. Do you remember Jasmine Murray from last year? I feel that Paige has similar talent to her and Jasmine was the first to go as part of the Top 12 (or 13 last year). Paige went with "Honky Tonk Woman" and now sure what she was doing. Was she singing a country version of this song? What was wrong with her voice; it was worse than normal. I think we need to turn the page on Paige.
Aaron Kelly, from his small town was next. Maybe one week they'll do Mellencamp week and he can sing "I was born in a small town..." I'm just not getting Aaron. Is this a CD you'd run out to buy? Do you remember the young John Stevens who made it to #6 in Season 3? John was much better than this kid and the John stank. Kevin Covias was even better than Aaron and he wasn't that good. I don't like bashing 16 year old kids but his voice is just not strong enough. And, his poor mother who's name is Kelly Kelly. I would NEVER marry or date a person who's last name was the same name as my first name. I guess that's what happens in small towns when there are only 50 people to chose from to date. Anyway, Aaron sung "Angie" and Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I was ready to fall asleep.
The show ended on the right foot with the always miserable, sour puss - Crystal Smellysocks. This girl has a problem. She looks like she doesn't want to be there and sing these songs but knows deep down that she has to go through the motions to try to win this competition. She'll be a miserable winner if she does indeed win American Idol as she'll never want to make the music that she'd be required to make. Just put a smile on Crystal and enjoy the ride you are on. She sings "You Can't Always Get What You Want" and by far was the best performance of the night. She just needs to continue what she's doing and loosen up a bit and not be so serious. A smile would be nice but not a big smile so we see your teeth.
So, who goes home? I'm gonna say that the bottom three will be Tim, Aaron,and Paige. And going home will be Tim.
Not sure if I'll be writing next week as I'm on vacation but we'll see if I can make time. For now, Birdman Out.
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