After the girls the night before, would this night be worse? The answer is a big NO but still, nothing really excited me until the end. Anyway, here's how it went.
Lee kicks off the big night with Owl City's "Fireflies." I think he had some nervous butterflies during this performance. Don't get me wrong. I thought he did an ok job and good enough to advanced but it sure didn't blow me out of the water. He's got a great voice but this song was terrible and he can do much better than what he showed us.
Alex Lambert was next up with is Carol Brady hair / mullet thingy he's got going. This guy really bores me but when I look at him sing but I do agree with the judges that he has a good voice. He's just dull as far as I'm concerned. He bores us with Ray LaMontagne's "Trouble" and Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Okay...I'm awake. It's boring. This guy has as much personality as a wet rag. Maybe he was singing the song in his sleep while standing there on stage. This snoozer of a performance puts Mr. Lambert on the bubble.
The just as boring Tim Urban was up next singing a song I can't stand in "Hallelujah." If you want to be able to pull of a song like this, you need to be a really good singer. Unfortunately for Tim, he's not that person. While he maybe did better than I thought he was going to do, I was overly distracted by his Peter Brady hair comb. He looked like such a dork up there and just has absolutely zero start power and stage presence that he can't go much further. The judges thought it was Tim's best performance so far but when you stink week after week, that doesn't say much. I still think Tim could be on the bubble tonight.
Next was a bit interesting in Andrew Garcia singing Christina Aguilara's "Genie in a Bottle." Wow...this take a set of balls to pull off but I thought it was a great song choice to try to recapture the "Straight Up" by Paula Abdul. I totally disagreed with the judges. I thought he totally pulled it off. He made it is own. It was original. It was risky. I thought parts of the song were pitchy but the originality of his performance overrode how well he actually sung it. This guy deserves to be in the Top 12 and I hope the judges negative comments don't deprive him of that chance.
Casey James hit the stage next with Keith Urban's "You'll Think Of Me." Not sure why Casey went pure country. I think he can do better with a pop/rock song as to the Bucky Covington country route. He did a better than average job with an annoying song but wanted more from him. He's a lock for the Top 12 since girls love him and he is a good singer but who is this guy? Is he a country singer, a rock singer, or a pop star? If he keeps on singing these bad country songs, he'll be none of the above and will be stuck taking off his shirt for magazines for girls to drool over.
Pool little Aaron Kelly now had is turn going with Lonestar's "I'm Already There." If he thinks he's already there, then it's time to go home as you aren't quite there yet. I thought the performance was horrendous. It was off pitch vocally and he seemed nervous. I think he's a lock to be eliminated tonight.
Now comes Todrick Hall who has continued to be ripped by the judges but continues to advance. He goes with Queen's "Somebody To Love" and nailed it. He brought soul to the song. He showed he can do this. His stage presence and emotion carried over to the song as he put on a great performance to go with the solid vocals. This was long overdue from Todrick and I'm happy to say that he'll be in the Top 12 after this huge night for him.
Finally, we get to see Big Mike end the show. He goes with Maxwell's "This Woman's Work" and this man had it working. He put on for the second straight week one of the best performances of the season and went from an early exit to now a projected male front runner. This was great. He had great vocals and actually was feeling the lyrics as he was into it. It's what one would call "gettin' down." It was the perfect final performance before the Top 12 is announced tonight and Big Mike will be part of that group for sure.
So, for the first time, I think the boys had a better night than the girls.
Who goes home? Definitely Aaron Kelly is the first.
However, the 2nd person could be tight. I hope it's not Andrew Garcia as I think he's good. So, I'm gonna go with either Alex Lambert or Tim Urban. These two guys are interchangeable. For shits and giggles, let's say Tim Urban goes home.
Until then...Birdman Out.
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