Well...the final audition city of Atlanta has arrived and I'm happy as a flea on horse poop that this annoying part is finally over. Here's how the final city went down:
The first guy us is Josh Jones. Not a bad name for an artist, plus, he had a good look to him so I thought he was going to rock it. He was a bit cheesy and he was doing these things with his eyes that was drying Simon crazy. However, his voice wasn't terrible but this guy isn't got a shot in hell of making the top 24.
Next up was JP. He comes out in a pink shirt and his hair was sort of in a pompadour. He looked a bit "off" JP didn't want to go back to school and wanted a career in music. So, he really could have that career in music - at the cash register of a music store. J.P. must stand for Just Please (shut up). The scary thing is that he was a music major. Hope he has enough time to switch majors and still graduate on time. It's very sad when your parents are first cousins.
Following that disaster was Asia'h. A strange but interesting name. I don't know what her last name is but she doesn't need it. Asia'h is all that is needed. This girl's father passed away a few days before the competition and you could hear the emotion in her voice. Luckily, this girl can sing and had a pretty look to her. Yeah, she has the S.S.S.F. - Sob Story Sympathy Factor - in her favor but I think she's on the verge of the Top 24. She has a chance of being my this year's Tamayra, Latoya, or Vonzell. Well...let's wait and see in the Hollywood round but I'd root for this chick.
Following that is Brooke, who won Miss South Florida Fair. Okay, first of all, if you won ANY pageant followed by the word "Fair", I could give a crap. The word "Fair" takes away from all the flair as the people who enter these competitions are white trash for the most part. I've watched enough kids in pageant specials on TV to know that these kids are creepy. Nothing is worse when you see pageant pictures or videos of these kids with the big hair, the caked on make-up, the porcelain veneers on the teeth, and the freakin' weird cowboy outfit. YUCK. I don't like these people at all. Pageant people should be locked up with Dog Show people so we don't ever have to see them. That being said, Brooke did have nice teeth even though they may be fake. And Simon had it right on the money that she was "possibly the most annoying person I've ever seen in my life." Stop with the fake talk and be a real human Brooke. However, I do have to give her credit, she did have a nice voice. If she wants Top 24, she needs a quick image change.
Eva Miller is up next. She looks like a crack addict. The judges didn't now if she was being fake and putting on an act to be on TV. I wasn't sure myself until she had some tears. This girl was a talentless moron. Stroke victims have better singing voices than this girl. And her dance moves? What the heck? It was like she was just spinning like she was on some kind of drug which she probably was. Stop with the music and stick with the crack Eva.
Next up was Alexandrea. I liked her singing but the three quick yesses made her seem like she was SO much better than she was. She was good but was she great? I guess only time will tell.
Then there was Nathan who Simon said sounded like he was singing alone in his room to a CD. I think this kid rehearsed all of his lines that he wanted to say to confront the judges to just get on TV. I wasn't buying his act so I won't give this jackass the glory of taking up any more of my time.
Up next was Amanda. She was a nurse that rides a motorcycle. She has this rocker voice like Melissa Ethridge who I can't stand. She has this blond front to her dark hair and could become this year's Nikki McKibbin. She's definitely different and has a good voice. I personally don't like her but I think she could go deep. I hope I'm wrong.
Finally, there is Josiah who talks and sings in this English accent. First of all, he needs a major makeover. His style was boring in his t-shirt and his plain dull hair. But, in a weird way, I liked this guy. I think he had a decent voice, a good personality, and yeah, he just stood out. I'd root for this guy. However, I need to hear him sing again in Hollywood.
Well, that's it. Tonight is just some auditions that we didn't see, some good and some bad. So, maybe there will be some people with talent that they will show.
But for now, Birdman Out.
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