Since last week was 60's night, this week was 70's night and boy was it disappointing. Listening to an EJ Day CD could have been more soothing to my ears than some of last night's top 10 guys. So, here's how it went down.
The night started off with one of the stronger contestants - Michael Johns. He sings "Go Your Own Way" by Fleetwood Mac. Well, he sung this his own way and it was not good. I'm not sure what went wrong this week. It was really bad vocals. Fleetwood Mac has such a unique sound as a band and the song choice just didn't work for this guy. He should still be okay but I hope they make him sweat it out on Thursday to put a little scare into him.
Jason Castro hit the stage next. I don't get this guy. First of all, a white guy looks ridiculous with dreadlocks. Take a shower and shave that off. Secondly, if you have Rasta hair, your teeth should NOT be as nice. Every tooth was perfectly sculpted and was as white as a marshmellow. Okay, on to the music part. He came out with his guitar and sung "I Just Wanna Be Your Everything." I have to give him some credit...he does strum a good guitar. However, I just don't get the singing. I was shocked how the judges gave him praise last week but they brought him back down to earth this week. His voice just isn't that strong. Still, there was a lot worse this week so he's probably safe. Again, his stage is Central Park, 85 degrees outside, wearing ripped jeans, a stupid t-shirt, a dumb hat, while smoking a joint and plucking his guitar.
So, here cam Luke "Perry" Menard who sings "Killer Queen" by Queen. Freddy Mercury must have been turning over in his grave. This could have been the worst performance of the evening. Yeah, girls may think he's cute but you need a voice to go with the looks. His voice was all over the place. I can't even tell you how many times he crackled. The force was not strong with Luke last night. Actually, the force has never been strong with this Luke.
Following that disaster was Robbie Carrico who sung Foreigner's "Hot Blooded." I thought it was a good song choice for him. He actually looks like Reese Witherspoon with facial scruff. I actually thought he did a good job. Is he going to win American Idol? Absolutely not. Will he make the Top 6 boys? I think he has a good chance. I think next week for the 80's, he needs to come out and blow us all away. What would be perfect for his voice is Poison's "Every Rose Has It's Thorn" which could vault him deeper into the competition.
Then came Danielle Noriega. She just rubs me the wrong way. His looks are creepier than Sanjaya. He should be performing at Lucky Cheng's (Drag Club) in the city. He came out in this vest and sung "Superstar" which was the wrong song choice. Ruben Studdard did a great job with that song in Season 2 and Danielle just butchered it. The performance was queer and the singing was horrific. There is no market out there for this guy. He's not good enough to sell CDs and he's not bad enough to even make a mock CD ala William Hung. He's just gonna get the boot one of these weeks and go back to whatever the heck he does. I was shocked that the judges thought he was better than last week. But, there were a few people worse than him last night so we are probably stuck with him for another week.
Up next was David Hernandez who was good last week but definitely stepped it up a notch this week singing "Papa Was A Rolling Stone." He did a great job. First of all, girls are gonna love this kid. Secondly, his voice is really good. He's one of the top 4 guys easily. The trick for David is to be consistent and to grow each week. Now, that's 2 solid performances and next week, he needs to take it to even another level. But, I like this guy. He's a lock to continue on this journey. At the time, it was definitely the best vocal of the night.
We then took a step backwards with Jason Yeager. They had said that he performs with a group that has gone to Japan twice. Oh, these poor Japanese people had to listen to this guy two times. He "sang" "Long Train Running" and it was boring, weak, and cheesy. His dance movies were one of the most pathetic in 7 years of American Idol. It was a Disney float performance. It couldn't have even of been performed on Off Off Off Broadway. Nothing was good about the performance except when it ended. This could be the last we see of Jason.
Then came Chikezie Eze, or Mini Ruben. I'm not a huge Chikezie fan and hated his blue shirt with florescent green collars. He sung "I Believe To My Soul" which I've never heard of before. And, he did okay compared to the week prior. I don't love this guy as he's not nearly as good as Ruben, or for that matter, George Huff. But, Chikezie has personality which will keep him around another week. He had the line of the night after Simon was making fun of his suit last week asking if he's ever wear it again. Chikezie responded that he'd never wear an outfit twice on TV and that only Simon would do that. It was a quick, funny response. So, the response gets him my vote for this week. I still don't think he's a great singer, nor do I think he'll be in the Top 12 but as for this week, he definitely bought himself another week.
Next up was another of my favorites. If you recall, back in the audition round, I had said, "We could be listening to the next American Idol" and David did nothing last night not to believe that he has a chance. With his guitar he sings "All Right Now" and he did a fantastic job. It was the perfect song choice for his voice. He had good stage presence and got the crowd involved in the song as well. It didn't bother me about his crossword puzzle fetish. Hey, that's much better than a foot fetish. I didn't like when he got defensive with Simon as that never looks good but hopefully it will be forgotten. Again, this guy is like a baseball flying off the bat of David Wright...he's going deep, deep, deep.....
Finally, David Archuletta performed John Lennon's "Imagine" and this is a performance that will be remembered all season. It was unique and was top notch. The girls went wild when he completed his performance. I really believe that he will be standing there in May's finale. He really has his act together for a 16 year old. Plus, he's S.F.H. - So Freggin Happy - all the time. How can you not like this guy.
So, gone Thursday night should be Luke Menard and Jason Yeager but I'm still rooting for Danielle Noriega to be gone.
Well...bring on the girls. Until then, Birdman Out.
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