Wow, I'm not sure what to say after the girls destroyed the 70's last night. There are so many good songs from the 70's and some of the song choice were head scratchers. Anyway, here's how it went.
First up was Carly Smithson who is by far the most talented girl in the competition. She sings "Crazy On You" by Heart. I thought it started out a bit weak but then it really took off after the first 40 seconds or so. I agree with Simon in a way that she need that "moment" just like David Archuletta had the previous night. Every winner in the past has had that moment. But, what I don't agree with Simon is that the "moment" doesn't need to be so early in the competition. Most people that go deep into American Idol who have that Moment have it happen in the Top 10. Why waste that "moment" now since you are a lock to advance. I'd rather have that "moment" occur deeper into the competition. And, she'll be going deep so I'll be looking forward for that "moment" when it occurs.
Following Carly was Syesha Mercado who sang "Me and Mrs. Jones" by Billy Paul. First of all, who the heck is Billy Paul? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller? It was definitely not Syesha's best performance. She had a few good power notes to show off her voice but the verse part of the song was blah. Maybe she should try out for "America's Got Talent" to perform her baby cry that she did so well. I like Syesha and I don't think she'll go home this week but she really needs to step up her game.
Next up was flower girl, Brooke White singing Carly Simon's "Your So Vain" while playing the guitar. I liked the part of the song best when she stopped playing the guitar and just sang. She has a good voice and a good look to her but I don't think her voice is super strong. That being said, she has a good personality and is better than some of the other garbage she is competiting against. She just looks like a pot head. Maybe when she gets eliminated further down the line, we'll see her in Central Park, passing a joint, while singing with Jason Castro. She'll be with us for a few more weeks.
Then came Ramiele Malubay who was one of my favorites last week. This week, she chose to sing "Don't Leave Me This Way" by Thelma Houston. I thought it was an okay song choice for her. But, it was not nearly as good and sharp as the prior week. She hit some great power notes towards the second half of the song to make the performance a bit above average but I was hoping she was going come out with a really strong performance to solidify her status as one of the better singers. She didn't quite do that but I don't think she hurt herself with last night's singing.
And here came Kristy Lee Cook, my preseason pick, who was below average last week. She sings Linda Ronstadt's "You're No Good." I thought it was a bit better than ehhhhh and I wanted to like it more as she has a good look to be an artist to sell CDs. She has a good voice but she needs to improve her stage presence and pick a really great song next week. I'm still rooting for her as I think she can be like a Jordan Sparks from last year who started out a bit slow and then got better and better each week. I do agree with Simon that she should go country so let's see what happens. I'm still in her corner for now as I can't just ditch my early pick so early in the competition.
Oh boy...Amanda Overmeyer is next and you can just drop the "meyer" from her last name cause her ride is "over." She came out and butchered Kansas' "Carry On, My Wayward Son." Wait, before I get into the singing, what was up with the hair? She looked like the bride of Edward Sissorhands. Amanda, it's not Halloween, it's a singing contest. As for the singing, uhhh, I mean yelling, what the hell was coming out of her mouth? Was she even screaming English? It was so bad. She actually could sound like Grace Slick if she really tried but it was such a bad performance that I don't think any song choice last night would have made a difference. She was in the bottom last week so her ride ends this week. Carry on, my wayward Rocker chick. You are like a fart; it just goes away like "dust in the wind."
Then came Alaina Whitaker. She really looks like an uglier version of Carrie Underwood with a gap in her front teeth. Please have that fixed if you make the Top 12. I don't think it worked for Lauren Hutton and it doesn't work for you. She sings Olivia Newton John's "Hopelessly Devoted To You." This performance I didn't love. She was much better last week and that was a surprise as she didn't get a lot of screen time in the auditions round. This performance just bored me. It was the wrong song choice. It was too slow and didn't give her a chance to really belt out the notes. Plus, her voice was pitchy and her blue dress was homely. She's on the bubble this week but I think she'll be around a bit longer.
Next up was Alexandrea Lushington. I hate how they pronounce her first name. She sings "If You Leave Me Now" by Chicago. I want to like her more than I do as I think she has a good look but I compare her to a Vonzell Solomon from season 3 and the voice just doesn't compare. Plus, she gets lost in the crowd of 9 other girls. She just doesn't stand out. Based on last night, there is a chance she cold go home but I'm betting that we'll have another week of Alexandrea.
Hitting the stage next was Kady Malloy singing Heart's "Magic Man." Do you want to see magic Kady? Abracadabra! You are gone! Wow...she just doesn't have what it takes. She's not a terrible singer but she just doesn't have what it takes. She can easily join a band and hit up clubs or bars in a city and do a decent job at that. But as for making it big time? Unless NBC brings back "The Next Great One" (impersonator show), she's not going to be on TV again.
Finally, there was Asia'h Epperson. I didn't love Asia'h as much as the judges last week but I want to like her more as she has a good personality. She chose to sing "All By Myself." And, ouch, it was bad. When I saw that she was performing last, I thought it was going to be great but it was far from that. The song was a complete train wreck. Besides a few power vocals towards the end, the rest of the singing was disastrous. Maybe Asia'h should tour with Jason Yeager so he can go back to Asia where they appreciated his singing. But from where I live and through my ears, it was hard to listen to.
So, the best of the night belonged to Carly Smithson. But the worst three goes to Kady Malloy, Amanda Overmeyer, and Asia'h Epperson. I'll say that Kady and Amanda go home.
Well find out tonight. Until then, Birdman Out.
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