The Top 10 were ready to perform and for the first time in a long time, they were NOT singing songs from the 60's. They had to sing songs from their birth year so we were really at late 70's to early 90's so this would hopefully help the performances. And here is how it went:
Ramiele was up first and she decided to sing "Alone" by heart. I thought this was a mistake as Carrie Underwood did a fantastic version of this song a few years ago and even Gina Glocksen did a nice version of "Alone" as well. So, hearing this song for the third time, I wanted greatness. What I got was an average performance. First of all, her outfit was reminiscent of Melinda Doolittle's attire. Ramiele wore her shirt almost up to her bust line leaving little room between her chest and her armpits. She looked like a Pilipino dwarf. Luckily Ramiele is a cute girl but at some point, singing talent wins out over cuteness. She could be on the bubble for this evening.
Next up was Jason "Puff Puff" Castro. Again, this guy just comes off as wasted to me. He sang "Fragile" by Sting while strumming his guitar. And the performance was DREADful. This guy is not Top 10 material. I didn't even understand why he was in the Top 24 while Josiah didn't make the cut. And half the song he was singing in Spanish. It totally didn't work. At least for once the judges agreed that it wasn't that good. Soon Jason will be back on his couch with his bong and a few bags of munchies. Let's hope soon is NOW.
Following Jason was Syesha who sings "If I Were Your Woman." After a few disappointing weeks, she did a pretty good job and this should keep her safe for another week. The one problem I had with the song is that I pictured her singing this song on a Broadway stage. At a certain point she'll be eliminated but after this performance, she definitely bought herself a few more weeks. She has a chance to be like Vonzell Solomon, the one no one talked much about but wound up going pretty far. However, I don't see her getting any further than the 5 slot at best.
Then came Chikezie to hit the stage singing "If Only For One Night." His performance was a cross between Ruben Studdard and Ricky Smith with a splash (a small splash) of Stevie Wonder mixed in. But, it didn't blow me away. I can name about 40 R&B singers that can do much better than this and Chikezie doesn't do anything that special to be worthy of my applause. Hey, I do like the guy but he's far from this years' American Idol. Mr. Eze is on the bubble for this evening.
Brooke White was next and came out with a big piano to sing the Police's "Every Breath You Take." First of all, I loved the straight hair on Brooke. It looked much better than the curls. And yes, she made a boo-boo on the first word of the song but then totally redeemed herself. I thought she did great and this could have been her best performance to date. Mostly, Brooke does a bit above average but never blows me away. This didn't blow me away but I really thought it was a good performance for her and could separate her from some of the weaker women in this competition. Good job Brookie.
Brooke White was next and came out with a big piano to sing the Police's "Every Breath You Take." First of all, I loved the straight hair on Brooke. It looked much better than the curls. And yes, she made a boo-boo on the first word of the song but then totally redeemed herself. I thought she did great and this could have been her best performance to date. Mostly, Brooke does a bit above average but never blows me away. This didn't blow me away but I really thought it was a good performance for her and could separate her from some of the weaker women in this competition. Good job Brookie.
Now it was Michael John's turn to sing. Michael has been a disappointment of late and has not wow'd me since Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody." So, he went back to what worked and went with Queen again. He started with "We Will Rock You" and moved into "We Are The Champions." I really didn't love the "We Will Rock You" part as it came off as he was yelling but once he moved into "We Are The Champions" he rocked the house. And he had such great power notes at the end of the song. He totally redeemed himself last night and once again became a contender. Now, we just need to see him to a great NON-Queen performance to see if he can pull that off.
Carly Smithson was next to perform. Once I heard that she was performing Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse Of The Heart", I got excited as I thought it was a good song choice. She sang it well but I actually wanted a bit more. I agreed with the judges that she didn't end the song good. I liked what I heard but I was a bit disappointed that it wasn't better. I don't think she has anything to worry about but then again, she was in the bottom 3 last week so anything can happen. I hope she sticks around as I don't think we've yet to see her best.
Next on stage was David Archuleta singing some ridiculous, corny song called "You're The Voice." I've never heard that song before and I don't think the judges really knew what the hell he was singing either. It was such a cheesy performance and I may have even smelled mild cheddar through the television set, or maybe I just farted. Either way, it was not his best performance. It was the wrong song choice and it wasn't strong enough. I want this kid to be more Clay Aiken but I don't think his voice is strong enough yet as he's so young. I almost wish he waited 2 years before trying out for Idol as I don't think he can win this year but I still expect him to go far. He has a strong fan base so I'm not worried about him when it comes time for elimination.
Then it was Kristy Lee Cooke's turn. If you remember, I had picked her EARLY on to get far after hearing "Amazing Grace". Now, she chooses another inspirational song in "God Bless The USA" and it was the right choice. First of all, in the week that the US lost it's 4,000th soldier, the song was totally appropriate. Secondly, it fit her voice. Finally, who the heck is going to vote her off singing a song about US patriotism. She's a lock to be safe this week based on song choice alone. However, she actually did a great job singing it. It was her best performance since that initial audition. So, horny teenagers will vote for her as well as EVERY US troop that watches the show.
Finally, David Cook was up to end the show. Let me remind you back in the day that David was my early pick to win American Idol from his first audition. I confirmed that I thought he'd be top 2 once he sang "Hello" a few weeks ago. About 4 words into Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean", I had officially declared David Cooke the winner of this year's American Idol. This guy just knows how to pick songs and change them up. He knows how to sing them. He has stage presence. He knows how to play guitar. He's the full package besides the weird matted down hair and the Joker looking lips. This guy is so smart with song choice and I wish others would learn from what David does and change it up and take risks. I don't think you can do much riskier than performing a rock version of "Billie Jean" and he pulled it off. Congrats David. I probably don't have to watch the next 9 weeks but I'm sure I will.
So, the bottom three tonight has gotta be: Ramiele, Jason Castro, and Chikeze. It's really a toss up. I'm gonna have to go with Chikeze to be the one eliminated tonight.
Next week, I'm on vacation so hopefully I'll have time to write my review. If not, I'll see you the following week. Until then, Birdman Out.
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