Well, the top 11 perform the Beatles again and it turned out to be a huge mistake doing such older music for the 2nd week in a row. We had 3 rounds before the Top 12 where they did 60's, 70's, and 80's. Now, this is the 2nd week of hearing 60's music. ENOUGH already ! I want to hear these kids sing more modern music. Nothing against the Beatles but one week was more then enough as we've now had to sit thru 33 McCartney/Lennon songs being butchered for the most part. So, here's how it went this time.
First up was Amanda Overmyer looking like she is ready for a costume party with her hair and outfit. Her song was so predictable as I actually thought she was going to sing "Back In The USSR" last week. I want to sing a version to her called 'Back In Your Local Bar." This girl can't sing. This girl can't hold a note. This girl yells and screams. This girl is a miserable person that never smiles. Loosen up bitch and enjoy the spotlight performing in front of 30 million viewers. Enjoy it now as your time is ticking (knock on wood). I'm glad the judges FINALLY panned the performance for once. Simon nailed it when he said it was "a bit of a mess in parts." Simon should have not used the words "bit" and "parts" as it was a total mess. This nurse's ride needs to end soon as I can't stand it much longer.
Following Amanda was Kristy Lee Cook who was showing off her legs for the first time. Her legs are far from Haley Scarnato but the young boys who call in will still like the package. She sings "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away" which was not the best fit. I think she did a better job than the prior week but this girl really doesn't have a personality or just gets lost in the crowd. She stood out so much in that first audition but has pretty much gone down hill since then. She's lucky that this was not her worst performance so there is a chance she could make it back next week. The jury is still out.
Then came little happy David Archuleta. I'd love to see this kid get mad but he's just so damn happy all the time. Maybe Kristy Lee gave him "some" last night...who knows. Anyway, after a disastrous performance last week, he hoped to redeem himself this week with "The Long And Winding Road" and he did great. He remembered all of his lyrics which was a plus but he sung a nice smooth but strong version of this Beatles classic. Can the golden Arch win American Idol? Yeah, he has a chance as he has a huge fan base already but I see him coming in 3rd overall when we get down to the soup and nuts of this competition.
Michael Johns hit the stage next and I'm still waiting for him to nail a performance as he did weeks ago with "Bohemian Rhapsody." This time he sings "A Day In The Life" and I didn't love it. Part of the song was just painful to me as it sounded like he was moaning during parts of the song. Don't get me wrong, it was an above average performance but I want to see this guy do that GREAT and rememberable performance already. But, I know what this guy can do and I was a bit disappointed. He's just not picking the right song or the right arrangement. I guess the song was dedicated to his friend that died. Not to be mean but that should have been sung at his memorial and he should have chosen a song that shows off his voice much better.
Next to the stage was Brooke White. She was actually looking really good last night whatever they did to her. I didn't even have a problem with the yellow dress. She sang "Here Comes The Sun" which was a great song choice but I would have loved her to do this in front of the piano as she did last week. Her stage presence wasn't working with her strutting back and forth across the stage. She should have maybe sat down on the edge of the stage or maybe on a tall bench but the walking back and fourth was a bit bothersome. It was definitely not Brooke's best vocals as well. She seemed to be going thru the motions and didn't put that emotion into the song. She'll have not problems advancing and the change in music genre will hopefully get her back to what she does better.
Then David Cook hit the stage and I thought he did fantastic again. He did the Whitesnake version of "Daytripper" and rocked it. Yeah, he may be getting cocky as Simon said but I just think he's doing what he does best. He knows how to perform with the guitar and knows how to sing. I even thought it was call what he did with the voice box despite Simon's criticism of that. This was David's 5th performance and I think I've liked 4 out of the 5 so far. I really believe that he'll be last man standing in May.
Following David was Carly Smithson who was singing "Blackbird." I thought this was her worst performance since the competition started. The song was boring and didn't really show off her voice until some power notes at the end. I was really looking forward to hearing her sing and we got a lackluster showing. She's so safe but this was really disappointing.
Pot head Jason Castro was next. I couldn't believe what I was hearing when he sung "Michelle". Half of the song was in French. I don't think this guy can sing English good and he decides to sing another language? What was he thinking? I'm glad he chose this song as it was terrible and finally the judges didn't love his performance either. But Jason didn't seem to care. He just seemed high and was probably craving a munchie backstage once he was done. I'd love for him to fall into the bottom 3 this week but I'm still not convinced that is going to happen.
Syesha Mercado was next singing "Yesterday". Great song choice as it is one of the more memorable Beatles songs but one that you have to do perfectly since it is such a popular song. The problem I had with the song is that I envisioned Beyonce' singing this song and Syesha's voice is not even close to Beyonce'. Still, it was a good performance but it didn't blow me away. I don't think her voice and performance were strong enough to pull off the song. Still, I thought she did a good job and saved herself from the bottom 3 this week.
Chikezie hit the stage next singing "I've Just Seen A Face." The song started out a bit off for me and then he broke out the harmonica which I thought was a terrible decision. However, he ended the song decently. I just don't think this guy distinguishes himself enough from the other participants. I can rattle off 20 R&B singers that are much better than him that I would buy before I ever downloaded a Chikezie song. So, while he may be entertaining to watch, he's basically an average singer that will not make it any further than the #7 slot. It's just a matter of time.
Ending the show was Ramiele Mulabay who was actually looking really cute last night. She sang "I Should Have Known Better." She did such a good performance 3 or 4 weeks ago which I liked but since then, she's been downhill. I didn't hate her performance and there were actually some strong parts of the song which helped negate some of the weaker parts of the song. So, basically (SP - WP) = AP or Strong Part less Week Part equals Average Performance. Remember that formula as it may turn up on next week's Algebra exam.
The best performances last night were really just David Cook and David Archuleta. The bottom three should be Amanda, Chikezie and Kristy but Ramielle could replace either of these 3 in the bottom depending on how the voting goes.
I'm still saying that on May 13th, our Final 3 will be David Cook, Carly Smithson, and David Archuleta. Until then, it's just a matter of the order the others leave.
So for now, Birdman Out.
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