Well, it was 80's night and it was now the girls turn to perform. So, let's see how it went:
First up was Asia'h Epperson. She broke the cardinal rule of signing Whitney Houston. The song was "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" and I personally wanted to puke with somebody. Was the song nearly as good as Whitney Houston? Not even a little bit. Why sing a song from an artist that you aren't going to even come close to being as good as. She did an okay job which a song she shouldn't have touched but I'm not sure what the hooplah is behind this girl. I don't think she's that good and is terrible at pronouncing many words if you listen closely. I still think she'll advance to the next round.
Next up was Kady Malloy. She then "sung" Queen's "Who Wants To Live Forever" and it was BAD. Come on Kady. I didn't even know what song you were singing when you were singing it as it was so out of tune. This girl should have tried a Debbie Gibson or Tiffany song as she had a better chance of making that sound a bit more listenable to. Anyway, this is the last we'll have to hear from her as she's a goner tonight.
Then it was Amanda Overmyer's turn. She yelled "I Hate Myself For Loving You" by Joan Jett. It was a great song choice for her but I just can't stand the screaming and yelling. She can't sing, she has minimal personality, and needs to loosen up. Actually, she needs voice lessons too. There's been girls in American Idol that tried the rocker route but at least had a decent voice. This girl really irritates me when she performs. She could be on the bubble tonight despite what the judges thought of here. The best part of that performance was when she stopped.
Next came Carly Smithson singing "I Drove All Night" by Cyndi Lauper. The judges thought it was Celine but the Celine version was not until recently so I'd have to think she was singing the Cyndi version. I thought she nailed it. Her voice on the chorus was incredible and as far as I'm concerned, just blew away the competition in terms of the girls. I think Simon critiqued her was to push her further towards greatness as she is much more talented than the rest of her competition.
Following was Kristy Lee Cook who I liked from the start. She chose a great song in Journey's "Faithfully" and did a decent job. It wasn't a great job but it was much better than the prior week. But, if she advances, she really needs to do something unique as she doesn't stand out. She has a Kellie Picklerish voice but Kellie had personality and Kristy is a bit dry. I hope she advances but she could be on the bubble as well.
Ramiele Mulubay was up next singing Phil Collins' "Against All Odds." She did an above average job but it was far from her best. She's a real cute girl but her skirt was quite boring. She has a nice voice but she too needs to do something different to make her stand out from the rest of the crop. She did hit some great notes and I think she should be safe.
Next up was Brooke White. She is coming off a strong performance from last week. Brooke comes out without the Guitar and sings a very original version of Pat Benetar's "Love Is a Battlefield." I thought she did a great job. She's been consistently solid for 3 weeks getting better each week. Brooke is hitting her stride and is probably the 2nd best female in this year's competition.
Finally, Syesha Mercado hit the stage to sing Whitney Houston's "Saving All My Love For You." Again, please don't sing Whitney. It's not even close to as good as the original. Why don't people learn. Yeah, she sang it nicely but it was the wrong song choice. Don't get me wrong, she does have a nice singing voice but I don't like when people sing some of these songs that she shouldn't be touching. She'll have no problem advancing to the next round.
So, who goes home? I'd have to think it is Kady Malloy for sure. The 2nd elimination should be Amanda Overmeyer as far as I'm concerned but I don't think that is going to happen. So, basically, it will be anyone but Carly Smithson or Brooke White. Even if Syesha Mercado was the one who got eliminated, it wouldn't surprise me.
Well, the real competition begins next week with our Top 12. Until then, Birdman Out !
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