Well, we are at the stage of the game where 2 more boys go home to make up the Top 6. After last night, this should be really easy to pick two guys to say good-bye to. Here’s how it went for 80’s night.
Luke Menard kicked things off poorly singing Wham’s “Wake Me Up Before You Go Go.” Oh, no. What a horrific song choice for Luke. It was such bad performance. If he was dressed like a cheerleader with pom-poms, it may have been perfect if he was performing at a high school pep rally but this was in front of 30 million people for a chance to advance. His voice was weak and pitchy and the dance moves were beyond cheesy. I felt like I should have been singing “Wake Me Up Before You Go Go” to him as he has one performance left and that will be after he’s eliminated on Thursday night.
Following Luke was David Archuleta. This kid is just always so happy. Wouldn’t you like to see him pissed off for once? He needs a little edge to him. He comes out sitting at the piano to sing “Another Day In Paradise” by Phil Collins. I loved the piano effect and his voice is solid. I loved when he left the piano to finish the song. It was not his best performance but I liked it. He will have no trouble advancing and is one of the better guys in the competition. Plus, little girls love him so he’ll be around for a while.
Then came Danielle Noriega. He just gets me sick to my guts. I hated everything about his performance from his hair with purple streaks to his outfit to his hair to his makeup to his voice. He sang “Tainted Love” and the song was just so tainted. His voice is not terrible but it seems like he loses focus too often and then gets pitchy. But, the voice isn’t the full issue. It’s the entire performance. Yeah, maybe he’d be good singing at a goth college bar but I’d buy an AJ Gill CD before I ever would purchase a Danielle Noriega CD. We had to deal with Sanjaya last year in the Top 6 so let’s hope America doesn’t make that same mistake again having this guy advance any further. The ride is over Danny. Get off and go home.
Following was David Hernandez who we just found out on TMZ used to be a gay male stripper. Now, that’s an American Idol for ya ! Anyway, David sings a strange song. He chooses Celine Dion’s “It’s All Coming Back To Me Now.” Now, there are a few artists one should not touch: Barbara Streisand, Whitney Houston, and Celine. What made this stranger is that David is a GUY singing such a powerful song by a woman. I actually like David and thought he did a good job with the song. It definitely wasn’t his best performance but I think it should be good enough for him to be safe for the week.
Michael Johns was up next because David Cook was having guitar issues. Michael needed a strong week after a disappointing outing last week. David sings “Don’t You (Forget About Me)” aka Theme From The Breakfast Club. This was a good song choice for Michael. I thought he put on a good performance. I actually with he choose an edgier song but he changed it up a bit and put on a good show.
David was now ready and came out with the guitar to sing “Hello” by Lionel Richie. He totally changed the song and really put on the best performance of season 7. Back when I first saw David in the auditions, I turned to my wife and said, “This guy could win American Idol.” After last night’s performance, he blew away the competition and made Michael Johns and David Archuleta looks like amateurs. Wow. David Cook as our American Idol? He definitely could be standing there in May.
Then came Jason Castro. Is this guy stoned all the time or what? He’s always smiling and his eyes look half closed. He sings “Halleluah” and I just don’t get it. I don’t know why the judges like this guy. He’s not a terrible singer but it’s nothing special. What am I missing? Do I need to be on the same drugs as Paula to understand why this performance was so good? I thought it was boring and weak. It doesn’t show off a strong voice. It just shows off him playing a guitar. I think he’ll advance but I’m not sure what the hoopla is behind this guy.
Finally, there was Chicken of the Sea. Ooops, I mean Chikezie. He sings “You Fill Me Up” and did an okay job. His little teeth are so little if you haven’t noticed. That’s not the problem. The problem is that we’ve had this guy on the show before and his name was Ruben Studdard. I wasn’t a Ruben fan that year as I wanted Clay but Ruben still won American Idol. This guy isn’t half as good. It was strange that he also picked a song that should be untouchable – Whitney Houston – and he’s a dude. He could be on the bubble tonight.
So, who goes home on this final elimination before the Top 6 is announced. Luke Menard is a shoe in to leave. Then it comes down to Danielle Noriega or Chickezie. And, please, please, please let it be Danielle.
That leaves 6 guys to make up our Top 6. Here they are in order of how they should finish:
1. David Cook
2. David Archuleta
3. Michael Johns
4. Jason Castro
5. David Hernandez
6. Chickezie
So, until tomorrow, Birdman Out.
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