Thursday, January 31, 2008
Auditions: Miami
Well, American Idol went to Miami and this was one of the more boring cities we've seen. Here's how it went down.
First up was Shannon who works for her parents at a meat market. Okay...that's pretty nasty. Imagine taking her on a date and seeing raw chopped meat caught in her finger nails? Gross. She comes in with this green and pink outfit, with these pink things on her hands and this black stupid thing on her head. I'm not sure what she was trying to do but she looked like 80's cheese. This girl thought she was gonna do great because she's been singing since she was young. Well, I've been playing basketball since I was young and do you see me in the NBA? I hated this girl from the second she walked in and I was hoping the judges would make her cry more than they did to give her a reality check. I'm sure she was crushed when they gave her the axe. Well Shannon, it's back to singing into your hair brush and blow dryer in front of the mirror for you !
Next there was Robbie who used to be in a boy band but changed his image to a rocker. I actually liked his voice. Yeah, it was a bit AJ Gill from Season 1 but if they clean up this guy's image and do something with his cheesy hair, he could find a spot in the Top 24 if he's lucky.
Then there was Ghaleb. No, not the Ghalib that is "dating" Britney. I'm talking about a different tool. This guy has a painful accent and so wants to be Marc Anthony but all I can think of when this guy sings is him and a few other Venezuelans on a street corner begging for money while playing music. This guy is gonna go as far as a I am from my computer monitor...and that's NOT far.
Then we get Brittany and Corliss, this year's Mandisa. Why they advanced to Hollywood is beyond me. I guess they have a quote to fill.
Next up is Suzanne Toon. The only reason I remembered her last name as it was the same name as all time GREAT NY Jets receiver Al Toon. I'm not sure if there is any relationship but I loved seeing the last name. This girl was blonde and cute and we have a bunch of those already but she has the sob story that goes with it so this girl could stick around. Toooooooooooooooooon !
One of my favorite girls of the night was Ramiele. Ryan did the comparison of Phillippino Jasmine Trias who somehow wound up in 3rd place in that WEAK season #3. This girl is SO much better than Jasmine and didn't audition with the full mouth of braces either. I like this girl and she is definitely top 24 material. Her voice is strong and she has a unique look to her. Plus, how many Phillippino pop stars are out there? None ! So, maybe she could be the first OR maybe there will never be a Phillippino pop star. Or, maybe I just like saying the word "Phillippino."
The next day began with another of my favorites - Syesha. She had that Nadia Turner look to her from either Season 4 or 5. They give her this whole background story on her drug addict dad that has recovered. Mostly, these back stories relate to Top 24 and she had a nice voice. She should drop her last name of Mercado and just be Syesha. worked for Trenyce from season 2.
Remember the show American Juniors? Pathetically, my wife and I watched that show and in came Julie Dubela. This was 4 years ago so next year, more of the kids will be eligible to try out. This girl was bitter and boring and not nearly as good as she thought she was. you want a tissue Julie? So sad...buh bye !
Finally, there was Brandon Black. The second he walked in, I knew he was gonna be awful. So, I'm not wasting any more of your reading time talking about this clown.
I think one more night of auditions to go before the Hollywood Round. I'm over this nonsense already. Let the competition begin. Birdman out !
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Auditions: Omaha
Auditions for Idol took us to farm country - Omaha, Nebraska. So, let's see how last night went down.
First up was this girlie guy who's face almost looked like a young Wayne Newton with giant caterpillar eyebrows. First off, pluck those eyebrows. Secondly, get a penis. What the hell was this freak? Any one who claims they are a GUY should NOT be singing GIRL songs. This "person" came out with a shopping bag to give out gifts to the contestants. He also has a crush on Kelly Clarkson and showed some creepy photo album on him and her. This guy should NOT be trying out for American Idol. He looks more fit to be trying out for Project Runway. He sings Kelly's "Since You've Been Gone" and I think ear pieces around the world short circuited after his first note. The judges should have slammed his performance but instead, we'll be stuck seeing him in May on the Finale for this ridiculous deal they gave him to report for FOX. I'm sure the segment will be a joke but I'll be the schmuck who'll have to sit thru it. Wait...I'll just fast forward the segment. Lord Bless DVR !
Next to perform was Jason Rich. He's another one of those country boys from a small town of 500 or less. He has a good look to him but is as dumb as clams. He can't remember his lyrics. Lucky for him that he got his act together to get a few lines in before forgetting more so he gets the pass to Hollywood. If this guy can stop being so nervous and remember his lines, he has a chance at the Top 24 as his voice was good.
Then in came this gigantically tall blonde arm wrestler named Rachel. Up close, I didn't love her look but she was actually not bad looking when they panned the camera back a bit. He voice was a bit too country for me but she did a nice job. I see her choking in the Hollywood Round cause she should be practicing but instead arm wrestling all the boys that want to see if they can take her down.
Next up it was Sarah, this Goth girl who looks like a cross between John Favareau, Rumor Willis, and Elvira. I don't get Goth. Look in the mirror. You look ridiculous. I don't care what statement or message you are trying to portray, again, you look stupid. Take a shower, take out the facial piercings, wear something other than black, die your hair, get a tan, get some style, and stop being so angry at the world. Probably the reason you are so angry is because people look at you funny because of the way you look but if you got over what ever your issue is and cleaned up your act, maybe, just maybe, life would be better. That being said, this girl had ZERO singing talent. Time for her to go back to work at the Dungeon.
Samantha followed the Goth chick. She's cute and with a little style work, could look even better. Ryan even sat in for Paula to judge which was a stupid skit to kill some time but then Paula came back. I liked this girl's voice. I think she needs to be a bit more confident on stage but her voice was smooth and she has a chance to squeak into the Top 24.
Then there was Angelica who has a "strict" daddy. Awwwww. So sad. Despite doing a Celine Dion imitation, she had a nice voice. She was a bit boring too and I can see her getting lost in the mix when the Hollywood Round begins. What she has in her favor is this sad background story that they dedicated a whole segment on so that could mean we could see her in the Top 24 or they wouldn't have wasted all that time on her parents.
Next was my favorite performance of the night - David Cook. Personally, I didn't love his new-wave hair that was part red and party messy. I just don't get that look at all. But, one sentence into Bon Jovi's "Living On A Prayer", I turned to my wife and said, "This guy could be our next American Idol." I loved his voice. I loved his stage presence. Loved his song choice. And damn...he did a great job. Look for him to be in our Top 10 and probably go much further than that.
Following that great performance was Johnny. He comes out in all black with a gold shiny jacket shirt. He looks like a schmuck before he even sung a note. And, he chose one of the most horrible Keroeke songs of all time "Shout". It was so annoying that I contemplated just taking the remote control to fast forward the performance to get thru the rest of the show so I could get to "Biggest Loser" already as it was getting late. Why do the producers even give guys like this the glory of getting aired on television.
The final audition in Omaha went to Leo. He's from an even smaller town. I think he said 200 people. His mom told him that she raised the perfect homecoming queen. So, he's a bit feminine, to say the least. Yeah, he had a nice voice but when I look at him, he looks more like he should be doing stand-up comedy instead of singing. He gets the easy pass to Hollywood but I didn't love the guy.
Well, that was Omaha. Hopefully Idol will NEVER go back to that city. So, until tomorrow night, Birdman Out.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Idol Auditions: Charlston
Last night the auditions rolled into Charleston. I had a bad experience 10 years ago in Charleston at a wedding. After waiting 2 hours for dinner at an Italian restaurant, they didn't give us bread at the table. Instead, they gave us a basket of BOILED peanuts. Can you say, "Disgusting !" So, what that being said, my hopes were not too high on the talent for this rotten city. But, here we go...
Raysharde enters the room. First of all, he should drop the "sharde" from his name and just go by "Ray." I think the "sharde" is unnecessary. Anyway, he comes in with a full fro' looking like a young Michael Jackson. I thought this guy was gonna be great but it was far from greatness. The fro gotta go and the voice needs some major tuning up. So, Ray didn't advance to the next round.
In comes DeAnna, the roller-skating waitress. I had no idea what the hell she was talking about. She just kept on talking about this all you can eat buffet. Her audition was a bit creepy and loud. She must have been an abused child cause she had so much anger in her. Easy there DeAnna. It's okay that the buffet crowd makes you mad. Maybe she should upgrade her resume and go from buffet to fast food which would be more soothing to her mind.
Then, we get Crystal and Randy who met on an American Idol message board. Yup...this two are LOSERS. He claims to be an idol geek and her personality is as dry as an old sponge. And the worst is that they do a duet. The best is that after their painful audition, Crystal comes to the conclusion that her parents have been lying to her by telling her that she was good which made her go out to audition. I love it. She's gonna go home and have a fight with her parents and her parents deserve to get bitched out. So, to all parents out there: If your kids SUCK at something, please tell them so maybe they can change hobbies before getting this false belief that they have some talent.
Next came an interesting pair - Michelle and Jeffrey Lampkin, a brother and sister combo. They are quite the chubsters and not sure what the necktie around Jeff's head signified. Maybe it should have been around his neck. They did a duet of some R. Kelly / Celine Dion song. I liked their personality but I was not a huge fan of their singing. But, they made it through. I guess personality paved the way but they are not getting past the Hollywood round.
An interesting girl came in next - Amy Catherine Flynn. She's the dance-team captain at her Catholic high school. But, the creepy part is her speech about abstinence. I think she needs to mature a few more years as she is only 16. Maybe take a year of college, get drunk, get the hot beef injection, and they try out again. I think a few years on her will help as she was cute and had a nice voice but I'm not sure it was strong enough to make the Top 24.
To end day one was London Weidberg. First of all, the name is catchy. It's a name you won't forget. She was a blonde like many other singers and had a nice voice but what will stand her out from other blondes is her name - London. I'm not going to put her in the Top 24 but she's on the bubble.
The second day started with Lyndsey Goodman who flies this gigantic airplane in the Air Force. I thought she was going to come in and rock the house. She had a nice smooth voice but it bordered on boring. So, she's not going forward. Instead, she's going to Afghanistan.
Then there was Aretha who was named after Aretha Franklin. So, maybe this girl was going to be good. She chooses to sing Whitney Houston's "I Have Nothing" and we found out that she does indeed have nothing in terms of a good singing voice. Plus, her outfit was not good either. It was this giant light blue dress with a giant belt making her jugs look enormous. She looked like a creepy black tall Smurf. She was shocked when she didn't advance and was a sore loser about it. Oh well...too bad. Try again next year Aretha.
Then, Joshua comes in wearing red pants, a black shirt, and a hideous tie. This guy has not talent and probably just auditioned just to get on TV. If that was his goal, then congrats Josh...YOU DID IT. Way to go !
Finally, there was Oliver who had left the day before as his wife was having a baby. He sung OK but if you compare him to a Jon Peter Lewis, Oliver wasn't even at that level so he's booted. But, at least he has a new baby girl in his life. Mazel Tov Ollie !
And that was it for Charleston. It was definitely not the best city of auditions. I don't believe ANY of Charleston from what we saw makes the Top 24.
So, that being said...Birdman Out.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Auditions Recap: San Diego
Well, auditions were now at San Diego. Here's how it went down:
The first to sing is some chick called Tetiana. She has a nice look to her but her voice didn't blow me away. She was decent. Simon thought she was obnoxious but I thought she was just boring. She won't make it past the Hollywood round unless she really has a good audition.
out her beyond that. But hey, maybe she’ll prove me wrong, too.
A guy I love is Perrie. He's the big guy that is rasing his son alone. I loved this guy. He had that smooth R&B voice and sung Boys II Men who I loved back in the day. I'm hoping this guy makes the Top 24 as this is a guy I could root for. Plus, this guy has the sympathy card in his favor but that won't matter cause this buy can sing.
Then there was Valerie. Oh, poor Valerie who loves Mariah Carey. She sounded exactly like Mariah. Oh, and I sound like Justin Timberlake. Come on. What the hell was this. The I thought my glasses were gonna crack on some of her high notes. She could have made a deaf person cringe. This was pretty pathetic. She sang "Against All Odds" and the song was appropriate as the odds were not in her favor. At least Heath Ledger didn't hear this horrific performance.
Oh, and let's not forget about Christopher and Monique. Monique goes first singing "I Believe in Miracle" but a miracle was not gonna help her last night. This is a Whitney Houston song and it was hard to even tell what the hell she was singing. Then, she went into some other song which was unrecognizable as well. Then, the tears rolled down her face and out she went. Good Monique. Go cry. It will teach you a lesson that you suck at singing and to get a life. I felt the same for her friend Christopher. First of all, dudes should NOT sing Whitney Houston. That is the ultimate NO NO. This was out of tune and out of whack. Finally, security escorted him out and I hope to never have to hear his voice again.
My favorite singer of the night was Samantha Musa. She sang an Aretha Franklin song and nailed it which her sister watching on with the judges. This girl has a good look to her, a great personality, and a nice voice. Yup...I'm putting her in the Top 12 !
Then came Blake. This dude was a camper at the camp I worked at and embarrassed himself a few years ago dressed as the Statue of Liberty. So, this time, he comes in dressed normally. I can just picture him now as a little dorky kid in the camps theatre rocking out to some Broadway tune. But, his voice is not that good so, Blake, please do not try out again. I've seen enough over the years to know that you are talentless.
The scariest performance of the night went to Alberto. He was this feminine big guy with this long Diana Ross hair wearing this stupid shirt that had an eagle on it. Plus, he wrote his own song. Not sure if this was a joke or a sincere performance but it was extremely annoying. Get a hair cut. Take singing lessons. And then hopefully your teacher tells you to take up playing an instrument instead.
There is a guy named David that once had vocal paralysis. They judges gave his the pass to Hollywood but that was all sympathy. His voice was OK but I was far from great. I can't see him making the top 24 but every season has a dark house that isn't really talented that makes the Top 24 and continues to survive each week. Example: Kevin Covias, John Stevens, and Sanjaya.
Finally, there was Carly. She had this disgusting looking husband covered in tatoos. She had her entire arm covered which was a unique look for her as her face had a decent look to it. She had made the Hollywood round before but was disqualified due to her visa. So, she's back and sung really well. I can totally see her making the Top 24.
Well, that was all. It was only an hour last night...YIPEE. Catch ya manyana for an update from the next audition city.
Birdman Out.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Auditions: Dallas Recap
Well, night #2 brought us to Dallas and compared to Philadelphia, I was a bit disappointed. But, let's kick it off.
First up is Jessica Brown. She has a decent look to her. I wasn't sure what was up with her lips if those were cold sores, chapped lips, some kind of small deformity, or if it was a burn from her days of being a meth-head. But, it seems she got her life back together. She sung "I'll Stand By You" by The Pretenders and did a good job. It didn't blow me away but it was a nice way to kick off the night.
Next up was Paul, a avid member of the American Rollercoaster Enthusiasts and currently a parking attendant. Paul is a large man. He's really awkward and I wasn't sure if he was slightly mental. I sort of felt bad for the guy. Being a Rollercoaster guy, maybe he should leave the parking business and work for an amusement park. But, singing is out of the question.
There was also this girl Aliana who had a Carrie Underwoodish look to her. Same body type, same hair, similar face, except for the small gap in her front teeth but that can be fixed. This girl, with the right coaching, can definitely improve but I'm not putting any money down on her yet.
Oh, then there is poor Bruce. This guy NEVER kissed a girl. Yeah...he's only 18 years but he has this weird thing going on with his father where Bruce wears this key around his neck and his father wears this heart so when he meets the right girl, the dad gives the girl the heart so Bruce can take his key and open up her heart. That is the QUEEREST thing I've ever heard. This kid is totally hooking up with his father. There is NO way he isn't. This was just creepy and quite disturbing to see. He's voice was decent but he didn't make it to Hollywood. Maybe he should take a trip to Nevada and hit up the Bunny Ranch.
Another interesting contestant was Pia. She had this mohawk-like hair-do with parts or her head shaved and parts of the side of her head and face tatooed. I actually thought she had a good audition and sung decently.
And Brandon Green, the guy who looked exactly like Elliot Yamin, collects fingernail clippings. DUDE. What is up with that? What the heck are you gonna do with the collection and WHY are you walking around with it? Does he think if he wins American Idol that they'll be worth anything on Ebay? Throw those clippings in the garbage NOW and do NOT bring them to Hollywood. However, he did have a nice voice so he moved on.
Then there was Kayla who got in the bad car accident and destroyed half her face and her eye. I HATED her performance. There was much worse in the evening but it was by no means good. I think with her tragedy, the judges went the sympathy route and let her go to Hollywood where she'll be cut in the first elimination.
The final audition of the day belong to Kady Malloy. She has a good look to her and loved her impression of Britney. She has good range and has a unique look to her so I'm officially putting her in my Top 24.
The most entertaining performance of day #2 belonged to Douglas Davidson. He started singing Bon Jovi and had a hard time with the basic pronunciation of words. It wasn't a lisp but it was some weird speech impediment. He just kept on singing and making this bizarre sounds with his voice to hit the high notes. I could have listened to an hour of this guy as I was cracking up. If you ever see this guy in a dark parking lot, get in your car and lock the doors. He's a bit off and I can see him attacking someone in a mall parking lot. Beware of Doug !
Surprisingly, I liked Kyle. He's the guy who came in wearing a tie and wanted to be governor of Oklahoma. He has this weird look. Almost looks like a miniature version of "It's Pat." But, I liked his voice. He could be a dark horse ala Chicken Little (Kevin Covais) of 2 seasons ago. Go Kyle !
And what was up with Tammy. She had on that ugly red shirt and seemed to be missing part of her brain. She was as dumb they come. She butchered some Celine Dion song and didn't even know the name of the song she was singing until she had to be corrected. Time to go back to your job as a cashier in the flea market Tammy.
Colton Swon had a good voice but I found him cheesy with his Ryan Cabrea hair and his thick bushy eye brows that looks like obese caterpillars over his eyes. If he fixes his hair and trims his eyebrows, he has a shot of the Top 24 but he's gotta fix himself up a bit.
And why does the farmer who's never been on a plane always make it to the Hollywood round? This year, it's Drew. Every year we get one of these farmer dude who's never left his town. I can't see him getting past the next round.
Also, there was this creepy guy named Kyle. He looked like a really tan version of Charlie Schlatter (18 Again) with the eyeliner. He's a school counselor for kids that wears eyeliner. If he was my daughter's teacher, I'd pull her out of that school.
Finally, there was this guy Renaldo who looked like a cross between a pimp and a bull fighter. He can't sing with a damn but the song he wrote "We're Brothers Forever" was entertaining. If William Hung can get a record deal for remaking Ricky Martin's "She Bangs", then this loser should be able to make a CD sing of "We're Brothers Forever."
So, that was it for the night. My favorite of the night went to Kady Malloy and there were a few other decent singers but I haven't seen enough yet to slot them into the Top 24. At least we have a few days to recover before we have to suffer through more auditions. But until then...
Birdman Out.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Let Season 7 Begin...
Hello readers. What an interesting year it has been. Taylor Hicks, Ruben Studdard, and Katharine McPhee have been dropped by their record label. Chris Daughtry and Carrie Underwood continue to dominate the music award shows. Jessica Sierra continues to go back and forth between rehab and jail. Kelly Clarkson has been added to Mr. Blackwell's Annual Worst Dressed List. Paula Abdul continues to deny any drug problem but continues to have nervous breakdowns. Clay Aiken joins the cast of Spamalot. Jennifer Hudson wins an Oscar. Fantasia pregnancy rumors persist. Kellie Pickler's FOX pilot gets canned. Katharine McPhee gets engaged. People actually purchase the Bucky Covington CD. And it all doesn't matter that no one really purchased Jordin Sparks' and Blake Lewis' albums. Why? Because vacation time is over and it's time to talk IDOL once again.
Who will be this years winner? Of the most successful Idols, only 2 winners are really thriving - Kelly Clarkson (despite her poor 3rd CD) and Carrie Underwood. However, 2nd place Clay Aiken is still selling, 4th place Chris Daughtry was the #1 selling CD of the year, and Jennifer Hudson is lining up her next theatrical project. I was actually wrong on Fantasia as I believed she was going to close down "The Color Purple" but I'm glad she finally left the show. I wish her nothing but a happy stint of unemployment. But, what happened to some of the other clowns. Remember when Justin Guarini was a household name? And can you even believe that Diana DeGarmo was a 2nd place finisher. I have to say that Bo Bice's album sold well as a runner-up. Katharine McPhee had a decent album but not many purchased it.
But last season was a joke. It started with Antonella and then went to Sanjaya and week after week, there was no consistency in anyone. How many of the Top 10 can you even name? I had to even think about what the beat-boxer's name was. Last season was disappointing but I had to tune in to make fun of the talent. I'm hoping this year's crop is better. So, let's kick it off...
Well....auditions started in Philadelphia and I already have a few favorites and there were a few train wrecks.
I actually liked the first guy up - Joey C - the guy who lost like 200 pounds. He has a good voice and has an outside chance of making the Top 24 but I'm not putting him there yet.
What was up with Yuka, the guy from Ethopia or Egypt? He was horrible. But, he did have the line of the night saying "I want to get to know a girl from hair to nipple." Not quite sure what the heck he was trying to say but how can you not like a guy who wants to know a girl from hair to nipple. The only thing this guy has going against him is his lack of English, his big nose, his buck teeth, his balding hair, and his lack of any musical talent. Besides that...loved the guy !
Then, in came James Lewis. He sung in this deep voice and had issues pronouncing his words. It was almost like he was singing while drowning in a pool of freezing water. The scary thing is that this guy is a tour guide meaning he has to use his voice to do his job. I think he'd be better off being a stock boy in Best Buy where he doesn't have to be seen or talk to anyone.
Another standout was Temptress Brown, the 16 year old football player. This girl was enormous. But, when we saw her 500 lb mom, she actually looked thin. This girl is a football player and I can totally see her tackling men. She butchered the Jennifer Hudson song from "Dreamgirls" and it made sense why the judges weren't too mean on her as she's probably tackle them.
One of the 2 weirdest auditions of the night came from Alexis Cohen. I can't even explain what this girl is. She's this Leif Garret, 70's looking, rocker, mental patient, covered in weird make-up. Some angles, I wasn't sure if she was a he or a she. I can't even remember what she was singing but it was quite painful. I can't believe how much air time that the producers gave her. She was on the screen for at least 10 minutes and it was the most annoying 10 minutes of the night. Cowell even said she looked like Willem DeFoe which is right on the money.
The final audition of Day has a strong chance to make the Top 12. She is Angela Martin. She has a cute look to her and seems to have her head on straight now that she is a mother after having a baby during her senior year of high school. Now, the baby has Cerebral Palsy so this is one person you have to root for. I liked what I saw and she will go far. This is one name to remember - Angela Martin - my first pick for the Top 12.
The next day started which a horrible performance by Alyse Wojiechowski. Before I even heard her sing a note, she had no chance. Are you gonna run out and buy the Alyse Wojiechowski album? Her last name has got to go. Plus, she can't sing so I guess we don't have to worry about purchasing her CD anytime during our lifetime.
Another irritating part of the night went to this 39 year old guy Milo singing a song called "No Sex Allowed." He comes in with this weird leopard vest and pedofile mustache. Based on age and appearance, they shouldn't have even given him any air time which was exactly what he set out to do.
My second pick for the Top 12 goes to Kristy Lee Cook. She has a great look to her and has some good pipes. I didn't like her song choice of "Amazing Grace" but this girl can sing and will go far as long as she picks better songs. Again, remember this name - Kristy Lee Cook.
There was this embarrassing guy Ben who comes in wearing a black cape and then when he takes it off, he's in the Princess Leia bikini from "Return Of The Jedi" and you see all his chest hair and ass fat hanging out. It was quite nauseating and I thought I was gonna hurl my dinner when they showed his stuff giggle as he walked out to get a waxing before coming back to sing a note before then getting booted. This is another example of a guy doing a stunt just to get on television.
Another one of my favorites was Chris Watson. He has a unique look. He's a good looking guy with dreadlocks and dressed well. I hated the song he sung. It's some Uncle Kracker song which I've never heard before but he can sing and girls will dig his stuff. I'm not slotting him into the Top 12 but he has a good chance of making the Top 24. He can be this year's Anwar Robinson.
Oh, and then there was Christina. This was the creepiest performance of the night. She comes out with her Princess Leis bun hair cut, has this Star Wars belt, and those black netted stockings. Right away, you knew it was gonna be painful. She looks like a cross between Jorja Fox, an ugly Jennifer Garner, and my 6th grade male math teacher. Did this girl really think she had a chance? I didn't feel bad for her at all. As a parent, wouldn't you just want to tell your kid that they can't sing despite how hard that would be instead of embarrassing yourself in front of 33.5 million people on television?
Finally, the Philadelphia auditions ended with Brooke White. She had a nice voice and a nice look but this chick has NEVER seen a rated R movie. Imagine in the Hollywood round if she hears someone say the "F" word? She'll be stained for life and may have to confessional to clense herself from hearing such vulgarity. I liked what I saw but her future is doomed unless she loosens up a bit.
So, that was Night #1. The fun has begun. So far, it's all about Angela Martin, Kristy Lee Cook, and Chris Watson. A lot can change between now and the Top 24 so let's enjoy the ride.
Birdman Out.
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