Well, auditions were now at San Diego. Here's how it went down:
The first to sing is some chick called Tetiana. She has a nice look to her but her voice didn't blow me away. She was decent. Simon thought she was obnoxious but I thought she was just boring. She won't make it past the Hollywood round unless she really has a good audition.
out her beyond that. But hey, maybe she’ll prove me wrong, too.
A guy I love is Perrie. He's the big guy that is rasing his son alone. I loved this guy. He had that smooth R&B voice and sung Boys II Men who I loved back in the day. I'm hoping this guy makes the Top 24 as this is a guy I could root for. Plus, this guy has the sympathy card in his favor but that won't matter cause this buy can sing.
Then there was Valerie. Oh, poor Valerie who loves Mariah Carey. She sounded exactly like Mariah. Oh, and I sound like Justin Timberlake. Come on. What the hell was this. The I thought my glasses were gonna crack on some of her high notes. She could have made a deaf person cringe. This was pretty pathetic. She sang "Against All Odds" and the song was appropriate as the odds were not in her favor. At least Heath Ledger didn't hear this horrific performance.
Oh, and let's not forget about Christopher and Monique. Monique goes first singing "I Believe in Miracle" but a miracle was not gonna help her last night. This is a Whitney Houston song and it was hard to even tell what the hell she was singing. Then, she went into some other song which was unrecognizable as well. Then, the tears rolled down her face and out she went. Good Monique. Go cry. It will teach you a lesson that you suck at singing and to get a life. I felt the same for her friend Christopher. First of all, dudes should NOT sing Whitney Houston. That is the ultimate NO NO. This was out of tune and out of whack. Finally, security escorted him out and I hope to never have to hear his voice again.
My favorite singer of the night was Samantha Musa. She sang an Aretha Franklin song and nailed it which her sister watching on with the judges. This girl has a good look to her, a great personality, and a nice voice. Yup...I'm putting her in the Top 12 !
Then came Blake. This dude was a camper at the camp I worked at and embarrassed himself a few years ago dressed as the Statue of Liberty. So, this time, he comes in dressed normally. I can just picture him now as a little dorky kid in the camps theatre rocking out to some Broadway tune. But, his voice is not that good so, Blake, please do not try out again. I've seen enough over the years to know that you are talentless.
The scariest performance of the night went to Alberto. He was this feminine big guy with this long Diana Ross hair wearing this stupid shirt that had an eagle on it. Plus, he wrote his own song. Not sure if this was a joke or a sincere performance but it was extremely annoying. Get a hair cut. Take singing lessons. And then hopefully your teacher tells you to take up playing an instrument instead.
There is a guy named David that once had vocal paralysis. They judges gave his the pass to Hollywood but that was all sympathy. His voice was OK but I was far from great. I can't see him making the top 24 but every season has a dark house that isn't really talented that makes the Top 24 and continues to survive each week. Example: Kevin Covias, John Stevens, and Sanjaya.
Finally, there was Carly. She had this disgusting looking husband covered in tatoos. She had her entire arm covered which was a unique look for her as her face had a decent look to it. She had made the Hollywood round before but was disqualified due to her visa. So, she's back and sung really well. I can totally see her making the Top 24.
Well, that was all. It was only an hour last night...YIPEE. Catch ya manyana for an update from the next audition city.
Birdman Out.
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