Okay...finally we are getting somewhere with the Top 24 starting to be picked. So, we'll just give you some random thoughts as we finalize things before I can get into some critiquing next week when we see the Top 24 perform.
I was so happy that Mary Powers got the boot. She was so annoying last week that I couldn't take much more of her. The shame is that she has a good voice but she loves herself and I really can't stand her so good by Mary. Go out and get a little lamb. It was sad to see Charity Vance get the boot too as I thought she had a sweet voice but I guess she needs to get a bit better.
One of the people I can't stand and is officially going to be this year's Fantasia or Paris Bennett that I just don't get is Haeley Vaughn. I don't like her look. I don't like her voice. She looks like Dee from What's Happening. It just doesn't work and I know she's gonna make it to the Top 24 and beyond.
Anyway, they started the process with "the long walk" to meet the judges to see if they made the Top 24 or not.
Michael Lynche was up first and there were rumors that he made it but then his Dad told people and that broke the rules and Michael was eliminated. I believe they let him remain in the competition. Michael can be this year's Ruben Studdard with better personality. Michael has a great voice and comes off as a nice guy. Ya can't boot a nice guy who just had a baby. Look for him to stay around for a bit.
The first female to go thru is Didi Benami. She was the girl that sung one of Kara's songs and made it sound good. This girl has a nice voice and reminds me a bit like Brooke White but better. She can easlity make it thru to the Top 12. She also gets the sympathy factor ala Danny Gokey. While it wasn't Didi's spouse that died, it was her best friend that she's singing for.
The next girl to make it is Katelyn Epperly. She's the cute girl with big bushy hair. I think they'll fix her hair up a bit for the Top 24 but glad she made it through.
The first person we see get the boot from the waiting room is Shelby. First of all, don't name your kid Shelby. It's a name reserved for chubby farm girls. I don't even know her last name. She's just Shelby. Maybe she can be like Cher, or Madonna one day. She's Shelby. You will never hear from this girl again.
In comes Casey James, the guy that Kara gushes over since taking off his shirt in his first audition. He's the guy who was in a motorcycle accident and was told he would never be able to play the guitar again. Well, girls are gonna love this guy's look and he does have a great voice. Let's just hope that Kara doesn't try to sleep with him like Paula did back in the day with Corey Clark. We hear that Casey is from a town called "Cool" so I guess that's better than being from a town called "Queer." Casey will ride the girls vote and go far.
Little Aaron Kelly is up next. He's a cross between David Archuletta and Kevin Covias (aka Chicken Little). This kid looks like a total twirp but he has a great voice. I'm am not convinced he'll make the Top 12 but we shall see.
Lee DeWyze is next and we didn't get to know much about Lee in the Auditions but I do like his voice. He sounds a bit like Scott Stapp of Creed. This guy could be a dark horse if he can build up a fan base once the Top 24 begin. Look what happened to Kris Allen last year. We didn't see much or all of him in the auditions and he won the damn thing. So, could Lee be the Kris Allen of this year?
We then see Todrick Hall of "The Color Purple" go in front of the judges and get his YES. I like Todrick. He has a good voice and a great personality. Plus, he's polished after already being in a Broadway show with Fantasia. I think he can be better than Broadway. Todrick could be around until May if he plays his cards and songs right.
Finally we see Jessica Furney. Come on Jessica. Once you get a NO at this stage of the game, please stop begging. They are not going to change their mind. Please try out again next year and get better you baby ! How annoying was she ! I'm sure she's NOT showing up at school or work today as she'd be so embarrassed.
So, here is what I have so far. If there is a T12,that's my guess for Top 12.
1. Ashley Rodriguez (T12)
2. Katelyn Epperly (T12) - CORRECT
3. Katie Stevens (T12)
4. Angela Martin
5. Mary Powers - WRONG
6. Jannell Wheeler
7. Lacey Brown
8. Crystal Bowersox (T12)
9. Didi Benami (T12)- CORRECT
10. Haeley Vaugn (T12)
11. Charity Vance - WRONG
12. Tasha Leyton
1. Andrew Garcia (T12)
2. Michael Lynche (T12) - CORRECT
3. Chris Golightly
4. Toddrick Hall (T12) - CORRECT
5. Jermaine Purifoy - GONE
6. Casey James (T12)
7. Aaron Kelly - CORRECT
8. Alex Lambert
9. Tim Urban
10. Tyler Grady (T12)
11. J.B. Ahfua
12. John Park
A. Lee DeWyze (T12) - HE'S IN (he was NEVER on my list)
Let's find out the balance tomorrow night. For now, Birdman Out.
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