Well, we are now at the group day of Hollywood Round which is always annoying. Here are some random thoughts but with too much going on, I'm not touching on everything...I'll deal with that once we get to the Top 24 already. Anyway...
Mary Powers who I used to like I now can't stand. She was beyond annoying all night whining and complaining about her group thinking so was so much better than the others. She'll probably make the Top 24 but I could care less about here and I'm now rooting against here. She belongs downtown in the village and not on the main stage.
There was also a person we've never heard from this season who did a great job in Alex Lambert who has no relation to Adam Lambert from last season. Alex has a great voice and I'm gonna slot him in somewhere to the Top 24 and drop someone below.
We finally get to see Ashley Rodriguez sing and she easily advanced as did Charity Vance. I still believe these two will make Top 24 which A-Rod going much further.
Well, Big Mike had a baby girl and obviously advanced. He's really good and likeable. He'll be around for a while. Not sure why the judges still like this Tim Urban guy. He just doesn't excite me much. He's like a lecture in 1800th century literature...BORING.
Todrick Hall stood out him his group and continues on his journey.
Jermaine Sellers solidified his standing as a potential Top 24 candidate as did Janell Wheeler, Jermaine Purifoy, and Casey James who all should be part of the Top 24 also.
We then get to see Andrew Garcia and Katie Stevens. Not only will these two be in the Top 24, they should make the Top 10, that's how good they are.
Why did people sing "Sweetest Escape"? Terrible song choice ! And enough with Lady Gaga too. Not great audition songs as far as I'm concerned.
So, here is my revised. Where I have revisions, they are noted as I've lost 5 so far from the Top 24:
1. Ashley Rodriguez (T)
2. Katelyn Epperly (T)
3. Katie Stevens (T)
4. Angela Martin (but there are rumors she drops out again cause of her missing mom)
5. Mary Powers
6. Jannell Wheeler
7. Lacey Brown (T)
8. Maddy Curtis – GONE ! REPLACEMENT: Crystal Bowersox
9. Didi Benami
10. Haely Vaugn (T)
11. Charity Vance
12. Paige Dechausse – GONE ! REPLACEMENT: Tasha Leyton
1. Andrew Garcia (T)
2. Michael Lynche (T)
3. Chris Golightly (T)
4. Toddrick Hall (T)
5. Jermaine Purifoy
6. Casey James (T)
7. Aaron Kelly
8. Mark Labriola - GONE REPLACEMENT: Adam Lambert
9. Matt Lawrence - GONE REPLACEMENT: Tim Urban
10. Tyler Grady (T)
11. Dave Pittman - GONE REPLACEMENT: J.B. Ahfua
12. John Park
Birdman Out
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