And I thought girls night was bad. Amazingly, I thought Men's night was maybe even worse. Here are my thoughts:
First to hit the stage was Todrick Hall. I mostly HATE it when someone sings a song made famous by a previous Idol winner. However, in this case it was a guy putting a total new spin on a girl's song in Kelly Clarkson's "Since U Been Gone." I totally disagreed with the judges. I loved the fact that he took a hit pop song and made it unrecognizable. I almost felt like it was Bobby Brown singing Kelly Clarkson. I thought it was original, unique, and set in apart from the other contestants as taking a risk. It was no different than Andrew Garcia putting his own spin on Paula Abdul's "Straight Up" in the auditions. So, despite the judges harsh words, I thought it was a great start for the men.
Next up was Aaron Kelly, the little 16 year old who is a cross between Kevin Covias (aka Chicken Little) and David Archuletta. I really thought he was going to stink up the stage like a rancid fart. However, I was completely wrong. He went with Rascal Flatts' "Here Comes Good-bye" which I heard this morning that it was co-written by Season 6's Chris Sligh. Interesting huh? Anyway, it was a great choice of song and he sang 80% of the song great with 20% having pitch problems. However, the 80% outweighed the 20% and I was pleasantly surprised by how well he did. He'll get the teenage girl vote too.
Hitting the stage next was Jermaine Sellers, the church singer. He went with Oleta Adams "Get Here" which was done great in season 1 by Justin Guarini. Unfortunately for Jermaine Sellers, the late Peter Sellers could have done a better job singing this song. His voice was all over the place. I had much higher expectations from Jermaine after his "Man In The Mirror" audition but this was like a soiled diaper - a total mess. Jermaine could be in major trouble after this disaster.
Then comes Tim Urban who replaced Chris Golightly at the last minute. First of all, I can't stand Tim's Danny Bonaduce hair. We are in the 2000's and his hair looks like it's out of the 70's. Anyway, after hearing Tim destroy One Republic's "Apologize", it was obvious that he has NO relation to Keith Urban. Every time in the song where he needed to hit the high note, he was off. Maybe he should have gotten high to maybe try and hit the high note but we won't be saying HI to Tim; we'll be saying "good-bye" very soon.
Joe Munoz gets his turn to sing to America. The staff needs to trim his eyebrows. It looks like he has two caterpillars starring at each other above his eyes. Joe sings "You and I Both" by Jason Mraz. This was just not anything to remember. If I didn't tell you just now what song he sung, would you have even remembered? I've heard worse but this guy has no star power and is boring. At least Jorge Nunez last year had some personality. This guy is a dud.
Tyler Grady is up next. I have a lot to say about this guy. Get out of the past. You are NOT Jimi Hendrix. You are NOT Jim Morrison. You are Tyler Grady and that doesn't boast well for this competition. First of all, what the hell was up with that purple scarf thingy he was wearing? That was a bit odd. Secondly, this guy looks like a cross between Rocky Dennis (from Mask played by Eric Stoltz) and Taylor Lautner with his piggie nose. Unfortunately, I think girls may like this guy. I hope I'm totally wrong. I thought this guy could be good but he's just too creepy for me. He sings "American Woman" by Lenny Kravitz and it was a performance that he probably did all through high school singing in his room on his bed using his deodorant stick as a microphone while looking in the mirror at his "cool" moves. It may look great in his bedroom but on stage in front of millions of people watching, it just sort of ruined my appetite.
Next it was Dewyze time. That's Lee Dewyze. This was one of the best performances of the night. I like his voice. It's a bit of Creed and Nickleback mixed with some David Cook and Daughtry. Lee is not 100% polished yet as a performer but this is a guy that could learn and grow each week as he loves where he is right now and loves what he's doing. He sang Snow Patrol's "Chasing Cars" which I never heard of. The judges wish he changed it up a bit ala David Cook. I can't actually say that since I never heard of the song before but good job Lee !
Then we get John Park. First off, a Chinese guy should NOT have Chase Crawford hair. That's a NO-NO. Secondly, think back to the history of music and try and name ONE single Chinese Pop or Rock star? Please think now as I play the Jeopardy music in the background. Can't think of a single person huh? Me neither. That doesn't bode well for Mr. Park who looks like he could have played the villain in Karate Kid Part 2. He sings a song called "God Bless The Child." Okay...who the hell even sings that song? I think John's 8 minutes of fame is up. He didn't even make it to the standard 15 minutes so he's gone at 8 minutes.
Michael Lynche is up next. This guy has a great personality and is the biggest Idol contestant since Ruben Studdard. Early on, I thought he had the chops to be similar to Ruben. I now have to apologize to Ruben as Lynche is NOT a singer. I don't think he'll go home this week but I don't think he'll go deep anymore despite my earlier prediction. He needs to get eliminated soon and go meet his daughter already. He performs Maroon Five's "This Love". But "this love" was not driving me wild; it was hurting my ear drum. Don't get me wrong, I do like Michael. But I don't like him anymore as a singer.
We get to hear Alex Lambert next who's not related at all to Adam Lambert. He is just not an interesting guy by any means. He sings "Wonderful World" by James Morrison. What? Who? Does anyone give them guidance on song choice? His voice is not terrible but he is not a great singer and has the stage presence of a slug. Looks like Adam will never have to worry about having another Lambert make records.
Casey James was up next and Kara was gushing. Yeah, I know they played this off as a joke but they way she looks at him reminds me of how Paula had a thing for that loser Corey Clark in Season #2 or the crush that Simon had on Christina Christian in Season #1. I don't have a crush on Casey James and hated what they did to his hair as he looked a bit like Bucky Covington but as for his voice, it was one of the best of the crop. He sang "Heaven" by Bryan Adams and made it his own. Not sure if Casey is pop or country but it was definitely entertaining and well done.
Finally the saved Andrew Garcia for last. Coming off his "Straight Up" by Paula Abdul, the expectations were high. In doing Fall Out Boy's "Sugar, We're Going Down" he showed that he's one of the ones to beat. He was criticized by the judges but I think that was only to push him from good to greatness and to push the envelope. He's right up there and will be doing deep in this competition.
So, who goes home? The worst were Jermaine, Tim, Joe, John, and Alex. Any of these five could go home but I'm gonna say Joe and John go home but it really could be any of these five.
As for my original picks for Top 6 guys, I only have 5 left:
Andrew Garcia
Michael Lynche
Toddrick Hall
Casey James
Tyler Grady
But based on their first performances, I'm gonna revise my Top 6 guys to:
Andrew Garcia
Casey James
Todrick Hall
Aaron Kelly
Lee Dewyze
Tyler Grady
Until tomorrow night, Birdman Out
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