Finally auditions were over and it was time for the Top 24 to perform.
One thing over the course of the night actually bothered me and it was the first time all season that I noticed it. There was no banter after comments. Thus, it was the first time I actually missed Paula Abdul saying something stupid and to have Simon react. Basically, each judge last night made their comments and that was it. Not having Paula there made the judging a bit boring. Anyway, here's how the night played out:
Up first was Paige Miles. This was the first time we got to meet and hear Paige sing so I was going in with an open mind. She sings "All Right Now" by Free. The judges thought she had a great voice. I just must have ear wax. First of all, she looks like Lawrence Taylor with long hair. Secondly, I was far from blown away. For her, she really needed to blow us away since no one has any clue who she is. Thus, she's on the bubble for elimination as far as I'm concerned. A total potential Bottom Three for tonight.
Next to sing is Ashley Rodriguez, one of my favorites from the audition rounds. She has that Jordan Sparks look to her. She's pretty. She's marketable. She can sing. She picked a terrible song in Leona Lewis' "Happy." There were parts of the song I liked and parts where she seemed lost. I hope it was just nerves. But, I was a bit disappointed in her first performance. However, based on how some of the other girls did, I think she's safe for the week. Knock on wood.
Then we get to see Janell Wheeler who is one of the two girls to remind me a bit of Brooke White. She's a good looking girl but her voice seemed a bit off in doing Heart's "What About Love" which wasn't nearly as good as Gina Glocksen's "Alone" a few years ago. One of the problems is that there's another blonde in this competition just like her so either one or the other makes it or neither. Both girls definitely won't make it.
Lilly Scott was up next. She's the street singer who's right out of a trailer park. I can't stand her platinum grey hair. You are 20-something...not 60. And she reminds me of last year's Allison Irritating who I couldn't stand. Lilly is this year's Irritating. I need to come up with a name for her. For now, I'll just call her Lilly Not. She sings the Beatles' "Fixing A Hole" and I couldn't stand it. I don't think she has a good voice and this is going to drive me crazy each week when the judges give her praise. I just don't get it.
Up next was Katelyn Epperly, the pretty blond with curly, bushy hair. Not quite sure why people keep on singing Beatles songs but whatever. Wish they sang something more recent with what they had to choose from. I liked Katelyn. She's good looking. Has a good personality. I agreed that she should have not gone with the red lipstick but she was the best singer of the night as far as my ears were concerned. She sang "Oh!! Darling" and shocked me on how well she performed. I'd love for her to cover up that beauty mark between her eyes but that's just a minor fix.
We then get Haeley Vaughn. Now this I don't get. I don't get her voice. There's a reason that there are NO black female country singers and Haeley is the perfect example. First of all, she looks like Dee from What's Happening. Secondly, the lisp has gotta go. She's as annoying as Paris Bennett. She sings worse than almost any Idol contestant that I can even remember. She destroys a Beatles song (another freggin Beatless song "I Wanna Hold Your Hand". As she sung, I wanted to hold her neck and CHOKE her until she shut her trap. Her look, her voice, her personality...it's all wrong. She's in the bottom 3 for sure.
Hitting the stage next was Lacey Brown who just missed the top 24 last year to Megan Joy (aka Tatoo Girl). The fact that this girl made it this year and Angela Martin is at home is a head scratcher. I just don't get this Adelle / Duffy voice. The judges even mentioned that too many people are going the Adelle / Duffy route. Personally, I think Adelle and Duffy stink. It's not even singing. It's sing talking. I want to hear people with good voices sing songs with melody. I don't want to hear people try and talk/sing a song that bores me to sleep. That being said, Lacey was horrendous talking thru Fleetwood Mac's "Landslide." Her performance was more of a mud slide. Her voice was all over the place. Lacey is in big trouble. I smell Bottom 3.
Michelle Delamor is up next. She's a corporate singer. Not sure what that means. So companies hire her to sing at their Christmas party? What the hell does a corporate singer do? Michelle is a good looking girl with a nice voice but she's not the brightest. If you've watched this show for years, there are people you should sing and people you shouldn't sing. In the shouldn't sing category are: Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Barbara Streisand, and Alicia Keys. Anyone with a super strong voice like that are artists you should avoid. Michelle fell into that trap singing Alicia Keys' "Fallin'." That being said, she did sing the song good but as it's been pointed out, it's by no means better or different than the original artist. However, she's safe for the night.
Up next was Didi Benami, another Brooke White twin who goes the Adelle and Duffy route. She's singing a song from Eck called "The Way I am." Eck? Who the heck is Eck. As for the song, it's ICK. What a terrible song choice to talk sing thru. Megan Joy last year did this talk singing thing and I loathed it. It just doesn't work. It doesn't show if you can sing or not. This is a singing competition; not a talk competition. I wish people would come out and sing and show off their voice. Her performance was a bit boring.
We then get Siobhan Magnus. Yup...I hate that name. Siobhan. Who names their kid Siobhan. She sings one of the worst songs ever in Chris Isaak's "Wicked Game." She has a nice voice but what a terrible song choice. The judges like her but I think she's a bit overrated already. She has no personality and is very forgettable ala Julia DeMato from Season 2. I hope she's a good glass blower so at least she'll have a fall-back career if music doesn't work out.
Then there's Crystal Bowersox. In the auditions and Hollywood, we see her sing with her dirty hair and rotten teeth. I think they fixed up some of her teeth for her performance as the front ones looked a bit whiter and straighter instead of that yellowy crooked rotten look. Gotta love those porcelain veneers. Each week she survives, they'll fix up her teeth and before ya know it, she'll have the same mouth as Elliot Yamin. Crystal is a talented girl with her guitar and harmonica. She sings Alanis Morissette's "Hand In My Pocket" and showed she has a good voice. But does she have star power? I can totally see her in the village downtown singing a set or two but in an arena? I'm not quite sure about that. She has nothing to fear as she's not going anywhere yet except back to the dentist for more work.
Finally, there's Katie Stevens who gets to end the show. Katie is cute and the fact that she got to end the show gave me hope for a great performance. She performed "Feelin' Good" and I was feeling good after her performance. It wasn't the best of the night which is mostly reserved for the final performance but it was good enough for sure to continue on. I think she's young so she could get better once she gets over her nerves and picks better songs.
So, BOTTOM 3 should be: Paige, Lacey, and Haeley. (with Didi and Janell on the bubble).
The BEST singer of the night was Katelyn.
I CANT STAND: Lilly, Haeley, and
Biggest Dissappointment is: Ashely
Interchangeable Twins: Didi and Janell
Before they sang last night, these were my predictions to go to the Top 12:
Ashley Rodriguez
Katelyn Epperly
Katie Stevens
Crystal Bowersox
Didi Benami
Haeley Vaughn
I'm going to revise this by taking off Didi and Haeley and dropping in Lilly (which I hate to do) and Siobhan (which I'm not thrilled about either)
So, here's the revised Top 6 girls so far:
Ashley Rodriguez
Katelyn Epperly
Katie Stevens
Crystal Bowersox
Lilly Scott
Siobhan Magnus
Let's hope the boys do a better job tonight.
Until then...Birdman Out.
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