Idol Auditions night #5 took us to L.A. where we get Avril Lavigne and then Katy Perry as guest judges. I like Avril Lavigne. I just wish she stopped dressing so dark and devilish and glamored up a bit as she could come off as so much more attractive. As for Katy Perry, she confirmed my believe that she is a miserable person with a constant sour puss on her face. Plus, she dates a total loser as well. Anyway, here' show Los Angeles played out:
First up was Neil Goldstein and I'm embarrassed to share the same religion as this guy. What a loser. I'm convinced that he put on this act to get on TV with is tongue clicking and all the stupid stuff he was saying. Fake or not, this dude had his hair like some chick in the 1950's. He sings "Rock and Roll Dreams Come True" by Meatloaf. I can see this guy sitting at home and jerking off to his Meatloaf poster which is pinned to his cork board in his bedroom. I can also see this guy dressing up in drag on the weekends as well. But as for being a singer, my wife's meatloaf after giving birth made better sounds than Neil Goldstein's Meatloaf attempt.
Next was Jim Ranger's turn. He's the worship pastor with three kids. He decides to go with an original song that he wrote himself and did a solid job. I'm not sure why some of the judges were questioning the fact that he has three kids and if he made it would have to leave them. You would think he would know the consequences if he makes it. That shouldn't have even been an issue. Just give the guy his yellow ticket and let him advance which he did. I don't think he'll make it to the Top 24 but he could be on the bubble.
We then go from a pastor to a dude named Damien, the martial artist and the guy who works with sandwiches and recommends pepperoni. He sings a Righteous Brothers song which he couldn't even remember the name of. I also think this guy was faking it by his shitty voice.
Next we get to meet Mary Powers who sings Pat Benetar's "Love Is A Battlefield." I didn't like her rocker costume but she had a good rocker voice. I think her voice was much better than Allison Irritating and she has a much better look to her unlike last year's pig. She has more of an appeal too sort of like Gina Glocksen. So, I'll say she's Glocksenish. She was a lock for Hollywood and I could see her making the Top 24 depending on how many other female rockers we get to see.
One of the worst of the night had to be A.J. Mendoza who so wants to be this year's Adam Lambert. Well, schmuck, if you watch this show year after year, you should try and be different from one of the finalists from the prior year. If you go thru the winners and runner-ups, the person winning the following year was a complete opposite. Plus, A.J. Mendoza, we already had our dose of A.J. Gill, E.J. Day, and R.J. Helton and A.J. sings "Cult of Personality." It was repulsive and I love that he thinks he was good which makes it even better that the judges basically told him he stinks. Gotta love a reality check.
Day two starts with Austin Fullmer destroying Cheap Trick. But, then we had one of the better contestants this season in Andrew Garcia. He was the one who's parents were gang members and got their son away from that route. Andrew sings a Maroon Five song and has a great voice. Plus, he's got personality. With his big plastic optical frames and smoothe voice, he's very Gokey-ish. This guy is a lock for the Top 24 and beyond.
Following was Tasha Layton who was a personal assistant during the day and a minister in the evenings. She sing some Joss Stone song but at least she kept her shoes unlike Joss. She did a good job but she's very unforgettable. She could easily be forgotten come Hollywood. What was her name again?
We get another loser in Jason Greene who sings some Divinyls song. This dude is just creepy. Katy tells Jason that she feels dirty. He tells her that she makes him feel dirty. The whole few minutes was quite disturbing. I think this guy was in my nightmare last night. We'll see him audition next year but you can probably find him in your local Blockbuster before all of those stores close down.
Finally, we get to hear Chris Golightly. He was in foster care growing up and had about 20+ different families care for him. Okay all...we got a good story. Plus, he's got that Justin Guarini hair and a good look for girls to like him. She sings a great rendition of "Stand By Me" and between his voice and story, he could grow a fan base if he performs well in Hollywood. I can see this guy making the Top 24 for sure.
Well, my favorites for the night were Andrew Garcia, Chris Colightly, and Mary Powers. I'm just glad that we only have 3 more nights of auditions before we make it to Hollywood.
Birdman Out.
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