The 6th audition city takes us to Dallas, Texas with guest judges Neil Patrick Harris who did a great job and Joe Jonas who basically didn't even exist.
Anyway, where's how the night went:
First up is a veteran from the Idol auditions. Julie Kevelighan sang in the first season and obviously failed since you don't know her name. So, she's back and ready for more abuse. She starts off by singing "Black Velvet" and maybe there is a slight improvement over the last eight years but not an improvement that will have her advance. She starts up again now with "Over The Rainbow" and the judges still hate it. Plus, she goes for a third song with "Something to Talk About." Well, she gave us plenty to talk about...about how BAD and PATHETIC this woman is. She's nothing more than a shower singer singing into her shampoo.
We then get to meet Lloyd Thomas. Lloyd looks like an updated version of Ruben Studdard but with more personality. Lloyd sings "Overjoyed" and it was really good. The one thing I'm worried about for Lloyd is that he's one dimensional. Can he change it up when asked to sing different kinds of songs? I hope so. I'd root for Lloyd. He has a chance to be Top 24. I could also see him flopping when they do the group songs in Hollywood if he got a bad group.
Then there's Kimberly Carver who reminded me a bit of singing Monica Lewinsky but she didn't suck. That's a pun. Anyway, she sings an original song and has a nice voice. She's a bit boring too. She gets a golden ticket but she won't make it to the Top 24. Give her a consolation prize...here's your cigar !
We then get to see Erica Rhodes audition. It's so funny that she was on "Barney & Friends" and I totally know this girl. She comes in wearing this dominatrix outfit and a whip. Not sure if Barney is into S&M or what the whole costume was all about. However, after singing the Barney theme song, she went into "Free your Mind" and did a good job. She's not going anywhere except maybe back to kiddie television but I'm sure she'll create some drama in Hollywood. I'd love to see her do some Tatiana Ali crying and get all emotional as this girl bothered me a bit.
To end day #1 in Dallas, we get to meet Dave Pittman who has been diagnosed with Tourette's Syndrome. This makes him have some twitches in his mouth, clearing his throat, and some slight head movements but when he sang, he really had it going on. Oh, he had a funny thing going on with his nose too but Allison Irreheta made it to #3 last year with a PIG NOSE so who knows if the nose has any effect...ya know? Anyway, he sang "Bring It On Home To Me" and sung it great. It think he'll come right down to the wire on making it to the Top 24 but he'll fall just short. I can just picture him singing one of his songs really well and then breaks out into a Tourette's fit. Picture him singing "Overjoyed." "Overjoyed, we are building this castle of Muther Fucker Cock Shit Dam...."
Kicking off day #2 was Todrick Hall who was in "The Color Purple" with my "favorite" idol, Fantasia. YUCK. Todrick has a great personality and sings an original song he wrote about himself and the judges and his experience auditioning for American Idol. The song is well written, funny, and sung great. It was definitely one of my favorite performances of the night. The one question mark I have about Todrick is that he's so Broadway. Can he branch out? I'm looking forward to see more of Todrick in Hollywood week but he could be a candidate for Top 24.
We then briefly see three people who got yesses in Dawntoya Thomason, Stephane Daulong, and Meagan Wright. They all got the golden ticket but no one really excited me.
After a few more bad auditions, we get to hear Christian Spear. No, there is NO relation to Britney Spears. She was diagnosed with leukemia when she was young but has been healthy for the past 8 years. She did a good job singing some Etta James song. She did good. Was she my favorite? Hell no. But, looking forward to see how this 16 year old copes with Hollywood week.
So, that's it for Dallas. My favorites were Lloyd Thomas, Dave Pittman, and Todrick Hall. Phewww...just one more week of auditions and we get to Hollywood Week. I'm ready already.
See ya next week. Birdman Out.
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