Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Season 6: Top 12 Men

So, the men kicked off season 6 last night and I really thought they were going to come out and knock my socks off. However, my socks remained on and the only thing that was almost knocked off was the lid of the toilet seat when I tried to puke after listening to some of these performances. Not good. Here's what happened with final predictions at the bottom.

Rudy Cardenas kicked off the show singing "Free Ride." The song really didn't fit for this guy. I could see Bo Bice singing this song...not Rudy. Rudy should have sung something like LaBamba, which I hate, but could have fit his voice much better. I thought this guy had a better voice from what I heard but I was wrong.

Brandon Rogers was up next who my wife refers to as "The Black Bon Jovi." I like this guy. He has a good look to him that the girls are gonna love. He performed Michael Jackson's "Rock With You". I didn't love the song choice as Michael is so unique that it's hard to recreate Michael's magic and make it your own. But, the guy had a decent voice. It was a cross between Brian McKnight, Al Jurreau (i can't spell), and Stevie Wonder. He definitely hit a few bad notes but I'm not worried as I think he could get better each week.

Up next was Sundance Head who was an early favorite of mine. The key word was "EARLY". Now I think he just sucks like a whore with sharp teeth - Bad Head (that's a pun). He sung "Knights In White Satin" which was an interesting song choice. His voice was all over the place. It almost sounded like I do when I'm in the shower. Maybe this guy should stop singing and audition for the World Wrestling Federation as he looks like he could be a wrestler. I'm very down on Mr. Potato Head.

Paul Kim took the stage next singing George Michael's "Careless Whisper". Wow. This was just terrible. George Michael must have been cringing in his rehab clinic when hearing this performance. I thought this guy had pipes but this was one of the worst Top 24 performances in the 6 seasons of American Idol. And ain't Joss Stone so put on your damn shoes so I don't have to see your athlete's foot.

Hitting the stage next was Chris Richardson. Yeah, yeah, yeah...they say he has that Justin Timberlake look. But, does Justin have all of those zits on his forehead? They covered them up well for his performance but time to buy some clearsil. He sung "I Don't Want To Be" which I thought was by the Black Crowes but it turns out to be by Gavin McGraw. Wait...isn't that Captain Stubbing of the Love Boat? Any-Hoooo, it was OK. It wasn't the worst and was far from the best. It was pretty meiodicre for me. If I recall, Bo Bice also sang this song and did a MUCH better job than Chris.

Well, it's now Nick Pedro's turn to charm the audience. He was a crooner in the auditions and now came out and sung "Now and Forever". What was he thinking? I thought it took "forever" for the song to end. It was SO boring that I got up to get a box of JuJubees during the performance.

Blake Lewis was next. Yup...he was the beat-boxer. He sung a song I've never heard of "Somewhere Only We Know" by Keane. Not sure who the hell Keane is either but hey...I like New Edition so who am I to know anything about music. He had a good look to him and I was actually surprised by his voice. I would have loved a little beat box in the middle which hopefully he'll eventually integrate but I liked it. No, I didn't LOVE it. But, it was decent compared to the crap we've heard already.

Sanjaya Malakar turn had arrived. I'm not a fan of this kid AT ALL. I can't stand his hair, his big white teeth, and his gigantic caterpillar eyebrows. He's a bit too creepy for me. He almost looks like an Indian version of Tony Orlando (some of you young people may have NO clue who Tony Orlando is...before your time) I've said it before but are you gonna shell out money for a Sanjaya Malaker CD or concert ticket? If yes, you need to enter rehab with Britney. Anyway, Sanjaya sings Stevie Wonder's "Knocks Me Off My Feet" and it truly did. It was SO bad that I lost balance and stumbled. Sanjaya should be back home with his sister very soon.

My early favorite was up next, Chris Sligh, singing a song called "Typical" which I've never heard of and don't have a clue who sings it. This guy has a unique look despite being one large fugly mutha. He looks like this big bushy dog or the chubby son of Gallagher but I like this guy. He has such a good sense of humor and he makes me laugh. Plus, the boy can sing. I don't think this was his best performance. I would love him to have sung a different song but I still believe Chris will go deep in this competition.

Jared Cotter is up next. I have to root for this guy. Even though they say he is from Long Island, he currently lives in my town of West Orange, NJ, the same place where Anwar Robinson was also from. We haven't heard much of this guy as he wasn't featured in the early rounds. But, I loved his song choice...Brian McKnight's "Back To One." It wasn't great but it was solid especially since this is really the first time we've heard must from him. I thought it was OK but some of the high notes needed some work. I'm on the bubble with this guy.

A.J. Tabaldo too the stage next to sing "Never Too Much" by Luthor Vandross. First of all, I hate it when Paula sings during a performance that is NOT good. Sit down you drug addict and listen to the performance. Okay, this guy was a bit too R.J. Heltonish (season 1) for me. I didn't like his preppy look either. This guy is not going to go far but I've been known to be wrong before. I hope I'm not wrong on this guy.

Finally, there was Phil "Kojak" Stacy. He sung "I Could Not Ask For More". The judges said the song started out bad but we had a blackout for 2 minutes so the TiVo was interrupted so I didn't hear the bad part. However, the part I did hear was great. He definitely was the strongest singer of the night as far as I'm concerned.

Well, here come the predictions. Based on last night, my bottom 3 are: Rudy Cardenas, Paul Kim, and Sanjaya Malaker. Rudy survives another week and Paul and Sanjaya go home. Not to be racist but in this country, we really don't have any Asian or Indian mega pop stars that I know of. I guess based on last night's performances, I now know why.

So, here is what I believe will be the 6 guys that make it to the Top 12: Phil Stacy, Chris Sligh, Blake Lewis, Brandon Rogers, Chris Richardson, and Jared Cotter.

I hope the girls do a better job tonight. Until then, Birdman Out !

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