Well, I guess even though the guys performed last night, I must send a congrats yo, to Jennifer Hudson for winning a freakin' Oscar. Very impressive. She got much more talent than both Fantasia and Diana Degarmo combined. Yup...I still have a beef with Fantasia winning. I hope "The Color Purple" closed a few weeks after she begins.
Well, I hoped the guys would be better than the prior week. They were definitely better but still, no one blew me out of the water. Here's how it went down:
Phil Stacy comes out first and sings John Waite's "I Ain't Missin' You" which was a great song choice. This guy has a good voice and for some of the song actually sounded a bit like Clay Aiken. The first 2/3rds of the song was good and then hit some power notes towards the end. Phil is definitely one of the better singers we have this year and this was a pretty good start to the evening's show.
Next up is Jared Cotter. First of all, they need to thin his eyebrows. They look like someone pasted two giant strips of black felt above his eyes. He went with a rendition of Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It On" which I thought was a perfect song choice. He sounded good but was a bit too much like Marvin. I wish he put more of his own spin on the song. Again, this didn't WOW me but it was pretty good.
A.J. Tabaldo hit the stage next. What is up with this guy's big white teeth. It looks like he's wearing porcelain veneers. He came out all preppy looking and sung "Feeling Good" and I have no clue what this song was. He was feeling good on the stage but I was feeling bad watching him. I thought it was terrible. It was a bad song to go along with bad dancing. It was boring and just nothing special. There were a lot of "oooooh's" and "ahhhhhh's" in the song that he did to show off his voice but it didn't work for me. I was shocked when the judges actually said they liked the song. Maybe he should track down A.J. Gill and they can come up with an album of horrific duets.
My pet peeve this year was now ready to sing - Sanjaya Malakar looking like a creepy indian version of Michael Jackson. He was dressed up as if he was going to come out and sing "Dirty Diana" with the silk shirt, the stupid hat, and the hair in a pony tail. So, I was wondering what MJ song he was gonna sing and he didn't even sing MJ. He did something complete out of the blue from his Halloween outfit. He sings "Steppin' Out With My Baby" which is more of a crooner song so I'm not sure what the whole outfit was about. Anyway, this guy does not have a strong voice. Half of the song, I almost couldn't hear what he was saying. It was like he was just going thru the motions to get the song over with. Plus, he has this girlie voice. Yeah...really creepy and I pray that people don't vote for the worst again to keep him in this competition. Sanjaya, it's time to go home to your sis.
My favorite this year, Chris Sligh was ready to sing. He sings a song called "Trouble" and this is another song who I don't know who the original artist is. First of all...what is up with Chris. He has a decent looking wife. This guy is having sex? I was shocked. But, good for him. I'm sure he'll look better and better each week as they continue to work on his image. That being said, this boy can sing. He made a song that wasn't great sound good. He's confident on stage and has a voice that is gonna keep him around for a while.
On stage now was Nick Pedro. Nick sings "Fever". Ouch. Maybe he had a fever as his performance was a vocal disaster. It was at best a performance for a good long warm shower into the shampoo bottle. He didn't show off his voice at all and I know this guy can do much better than he did. Surprisingly, the judges thought it was decent. Frankly, I thought it stunk like a skunk with a bad case of gas.
It was now beat boxer Blake Lewis' turn to shine. He sung "Virtual Insanity" by Jormaqui (can't spell this group and I'm not gonna try). He sung it really well and has great stage presence. He looks comfortable on the stage and loved the middle when he broke out into a small beatbox / scat routine before going back into the singing. It wasn't my favorite song and I know he can do much better but I think this guy is unique and can definitely do some damage this season. I guess Blake Lewis is in da house yo !
Speaking of black, one of my favorites was up next. Brandon Rogers came out and sung Cyndi Lauper's "Time After Time" which I thought was a great song choice if sung well. About 15 seconds into the song, Brandon became one of my least favorites. He murdered this song. What happened to his cool soulful voice we've heard last week? If this song was sung with power, he would have sailed to the Top 12. Now, after this train wreck of a performance, he's now on the bubble this week. What happened to his emotion? Where did his voice go? Mr. Rogers could have sung this song better than Brandon Rogers. I was so disappointed when he was done.
The Justin Timberlake ripoff in Chris Richardson was next. He sung a song called "Geek In The Pink". Huh? What song? From what I saw, it looked more like Geek in the horrible stripped zipper sweater. It was like I was watching Brian Austin Green (90210) singing Mraz. It was a very wannabee performance cause Chris, you may wanna be, but you ain't. I thought the dancing was terrible, it was like he had a nervous twitch with some of the dance moves. And the vocals? He sung the whole song thru is nostrils. Also, Chris...you are WHITE. Stop trying to be BLACK. It's not working.
Last to sing is Sundance Head who needed a great performance as he has not been good since his initial audition. He sung "Mustang Sally" and now I know why the judges kept on giving him another chance to come back. Why? Cause he's really good if he picks the right song. This song was perfect for him. He was in a groove from the first note until the last. He saved his ass this week and now may be a lock to make it into the top 12.
Results: Sanjaya is a goner (knock on wood). As for the other guy going home, they will have 2 guys on the stage - Brandon and Nick (or maybe AJ). I'm gonna say that Nick Pedro is the other guy going home.
I'm looking forward for the girls tonight and can't wait to see if more pornographic photos of Antonella Barba show up on the internet tomorrow. Until then...Birdman Out !
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